Eris carefully molded her character to look exactly like her. Normally she'd make her character an improved version of herself, but the details were just too perfect to not make a perfect replica. Next she needed to pick a class.Eris decided on the Knight class. After all she WAS making a character in her likeness, and after years of martial arts, her constitution was ON POINT. Not to say that she wasn't tempted by dexterity and strength, but she might be able to improve those later. In fact, strength was the least of the two. You didn't need much strength if you had perfect technique, good strategies, and high agility. Now it was aspect time. After reading the options, Eris chose the most badass sounding aspect. Death. Aww ye, gonna mess up all the bitches with this. It was obviously the most destructive aspect which ment that later on Eris would have a lot of rewards from whatever monsters dropped. If there were monsters...