Alright, here's how I'm gonna proceed. When I wake up in the morning I'm gonna open the thread for new applicants to fill Silver Carrot's spot, but I'm not gonna let someone have the spot until I see a full character application and accept it. Whoever gets a satisfactory application in first will get the spot. Also [@Blue Dog] please let me know if you're still interested in this. Anyone who's already got a character, feel free to go ahead and put up your first post if you want to. It's totally up to you. I apologize for the delay thus far. The main problem is that this RP can't function with only 3 characters. I could do some tweaking and go with 4 instead of 5 if it's necessary, but 5 is what I planned around and would be ideal. I have 7 trial ideas so far that I've plotted out and tested, and I've got a skeleton script for my next two posts, so once this gets underway things should proceed much more smoothly.