Eric _________________________________________ The last week in this "dungeon" as Eric began to call it had been hell. His body was acting all weird and he had been in growing pains, something he had not been feeling for a long time since puberty. The thing is it hurt like hell, he had grown at least two inches and muscles he thought he would never see again had started to come back in, but tighter and firmer, the felt like rock. The pain hurt a lot in his heart and lungs, it was hard to breath and do extra actions. Ash had been a god-send, their small conversations had kept him sane and he tried to do his best with helping Ash cope with the pain he was feeling. After Mabel came in and gave her grand speech about their wonderful re-birth. Eric huffed and only had two questions. "How long will it take to finish? And When do we get to leave this room and walk around?" He said as he munched on his bugger and shake, she had finally started to bring him his beloved chocolate. He looked at Ash wondering what was going through his head.