[@Zerofighter] Pico fished out another lollipop from one of her sleeves and held it out for David to take as she left to take the test, making another slight pout. He still didn't seem to care much for the time or the place when it came to these odd comments. It was just his way, though. It had to be. Giving a slight sigh, she continued on to take her test. It wasn't quite what she expected, though the prediction for her future was what got her really hung up. [i]One in charge of many difficult decisions...some of them affecting you even now...and more than you'll even understand.[/i] The whole scene played through her head once more as she made her way back. [color=F0FFFF][i]What kind of destiny is that? Something so vague...what even was that?[/i][/color] Stepping back out, she took her parasol once more and started walking off towards where she had thought the other two had gone. [color=BBFFFF]"If they don't get back here, they're going to miss their rooming assignments. And that's sloppy. I don't really care, but he strikes me as the easily distracted type, and that's a lot of sugar to end up confiscated." [/color]