[@Roecoon] You're accepted!~ Interesting choice on class... Don't think I've heard of a healing baker before. xD [@Unlucky0013] I'll see if anyone else wants to apply for the position first, and if not it's all yours. (It's not that I wouldn't want you to be Co-GM, it's just I want to give the others a chance too. I hope you understand.) [@Kafka Komedy] Truth be told, I'd be considered a casual roleplayer, but I'm just too darn lazy... Plot wise, I'm still thinking one up. It's my first RP so it's gonna have a a lot of faults at the beginning, but you're more than welcome to suggest. As for the whole "Free" and "Casual" tags, it pretty much means you're expected to write at least a small paragraph or two. I couldn't initially decide because you see things listed under "Casual" and they're writing one paragraph, and then you see something listed under "Free" and they're writing two or more. It's rather confusing. Anyway, another of my incoherent rambling.