Sarah Bruner Appearance:[img][/img] [hider=Real Life"]Name:Sarah Bruner Age: 20 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bi-sexual Occupation: Caf'e Chef. Personality: Very hardheaded, Has trouble expressing her emotions, Shy to the point of aggression, Doesn't think very much of herself, Very snarky. Biography: Sarah has always been one-of-the-guys. She was made fun of at an early age and it converted into aggression. She comes off as very much a tom-boy, and is afraid of being vulnerable. Sarah has always hidden behind her tough-guy facade. As a result guys never really liked her much except for as a friend, which did nothing but lower her self-esteem. She actually loves girly things, like frills and dresses and cute things However she is afraid to show her real self, fearing she won't have much of herself left if it was rejected. So once she saw this game she said "F*CK IT. LET'S DO THIS." and bought the game.[/hider] [u][b]In-Game Info[/b][/u] Appearance: [img][/img] [hider=Game Life"]Username: Delicate Delight Gender: Female Race/Species: Witch Personality: Super perky and happy. Delight is all about having a good time and is a huge flirt. She likes to dress up and meet new people. She is also a big ball of emotions, never trying to hide what she feels, even coming off as childish. Stats: Teamwork [10/10] Fitness [6/10] Agility [7/10] Stamina [10/10] IQ [5/10] Strategy [5/10] Skills: Cooking-yes she can cook the old fashioned way to. Identifying- she can easily guess what ingredients are used in various things or what things are made of. Abilities: Curing Cake!~- To magically produce a a small cake that restores heath Skill Scone!- To magically produce a scone that will temporarily buf your stats Raspberry Remedy- TO magically produce a small raspberry flavored potion that cures poison or curses. Weapon/s: A magical girl like wand, a frying pan. Class: A healing baker. bakes healing sugary goodness with magic!~~~ Recognition: Super bubbly and approachable Fame: Moderately, she's easy to remember.[/hider]