Mortosh Walked Through the door he heard the ring of the bell above the door Zam Flew out of her hole toke her time survey her surroundings. he saw several people already in the shop but for some reason he didn't like being near the elven woman ([b]Maybe It Was A Mistake Coming Here[/b]) he thought he was about to turn back and head out the door when he felt his doubts disappear he looked up and saw Zam hovering over him (your not getting off that easy Mort) She said to him through there link ("[b]You Casted Calm Emotion Didn't You?[/b]") Zam just grinned he just chuckled and walked towards the front desk ("[b]Zam can you tell her that we came to help with the Cinder Sickness[/b]") Zam Flew in front of Mortosh "hello i am Zam" she pointed to herself "and this is Mortosh where here to help out with the outbreak"