[h1]Alison[/h1] The little girl watched as her friends were deposited, one by one, on the very tip-top of a muddy little hill. She swoops over to them, riding the currents of the win as though she's been born to it, her wings flexing and folding. "Hooray!" said Alison. "We did it together. Me, you, everyone, we all beat the bad spider. That means we must be a PARTY." She holds up a finger, like Ms Crocker does when she's explaining something really difficult. Long Division is really difficult. Just the thought of it makes Alison annoyed, so she puts her finger down again. Anyway, she's sure that a [i]real[/i] princess wouldn't do that. Otherwise Ms Crocker would be a princess and that would just be... ...wrong. "Um... never mind. Anyway, since you helped me beat the spider, that means you're my brave and loyal companions and when I become princess of this kingdom I'll have to award you high titles and stuff, like... the chief knight. Who wants to be the chief knight? Libé, do you want to be the chief knight? Or you, Rina. Don't worry, Daddy says girls can be knights too!"