Sayaka wasn't seated in one of the chairs she was squatted on the ground in front of the chair that she should've been sitting in, she just listened to the speech and didn't get a look of Saya, she just planted her hands on her knees and glanced over to Rei for a second and saw the girl next to her. When the floor began to shake, Sayaka put her hands onto the chair in front of her and pulled herself up to see Saya and got a look of her long silvery hair, her icy looking pale skin, and her beautiful bright red demonic looking eyes, her body looked perfect in Sayaka eyes. Then her perverted side took over and she stared at Saya's breast, the only thing she regretted was Saya leaving, when Saya waved to Rei, Sayaka mistakenly thought she was waving to her and waved at Saya hoping that she would have noticed her,[i]"[color=0076a3]Only if I got the chance to see her badonkadonk, I bet it would've perfect in size and shape, damn it[/color]"[/i]. As soon as the ground began to quake and move, Sayaka felt someone trip over her getting past Rei and the ocd girl, Sayaka got out of the seat row and went to the aisle, she squatted down next to the wall and noticed the count down timer. The bandaged girl looked to the screen and pulled out her silver lighter, she put a hand over the lighter as she tried to spark it." [color=0076a3]I wonder if it's a bomb ? If it's a bomb I wonder if it will make a large flash of light that vaporizes or just makes a slow burn after it explodes, we'll just have to see it.[/color]" Sayaka spoke to herself as the lighter sparked and a flame appeared right by the spark wheel of the lighter, Sayaka covered the flame with her hand closely and stared into the blue flame that the lighter produced.