[@JohnSolaris] Edited it one more time. Your suggestion about the precognitive ability has been added, and I removed the ascended mind spell, instead adding a differentone to synergise with the nullify spell. Like you say, as a support character he will use these two spells to buffer incoming attacks to either reduce their power or completely discharge and nullify them. He now has both a physical and magical means to fulfill his role as a protecting support. The kinetic field and nullify spell could also function with the syngery spell to create a very powerful nullifying field. Yet another scenario that popped in my head, but it's not as important :P I hope I'm not bothering you with all my silly ideas. It's just a means to show you how I visualise it so you can assess if it's too powerful or not. I also had one last question. In your document you mention electrokinesis as a part of the psionic tree. How do his aether (mind, and thus electrokinesis) cores affect his ability to control elecricity (air and life, which he has only 1/6th of a core in)?