[@Billsomething] [quote=@Billsomething] Mortosh sat at a table Zam sat in front of him and was munching on her promised sugar cube he was staring up at the ceiling ("[b]We Are Really Doing This? Aren't We Zam[/b]") Zam Briefly stop gnawing her cube and looked Mortosh in confusion "what are you talking about Mortosh?" he stop staring at the ceiling looked down at the petal and said ("[b]This Zam This Whole Curing This Outbreak And In The Process Where We're Going Save The Children Of Afina This All Just Sound So Ludicrous And Here We Are An Undead Healer And A Petal[/b]") Zam just nodded in agreement "it dose when you mention it" She Toke a quick bite out of her cube before she continued "but we sorta do this all the time" Mortosh Nodded ("[b]But We Usually Just Deal With One Person But Now Were Saving Almost An Entire Village[/b]") Mortosh gave a non existence Sigh "can you tell me why the elven woman bothers you" ("[b]She A Cleric[/b]") "how do you know that?" ("[b]Clerics can sense another ones aura but hers is a bit muddled[/b]") he looked at the woman in question who busy speaking to a man and woman ("[b]I Cant Sense Hers Properly[/b]") "Should i keep an eye on her" Mortosh Shook his ("[b]No I Am Just Properly Paranoid Just Go Back to Your Cube[/b]") [/quote] [quote=@Billsomething] Mortosh walked his skirt dragged behind him he stopped and stared at the village in front of him he looked around and saw a sign and "Welcome to Afina" ([b]Afina What An Odd Name who Names a Village After A Goddess[/b]) "[b]Zam Wake Up We Have Arrived[/b]" Feeling his shoulder Pocket shift he stared and Saw Zam's Head pop up out of her hidey hole her eyes hidden behind her Bangs ([b]If i Had A Heart It Would Have Died twice Right Now[/b]) Mortosh Thought as he began to walk into town "Morty did you really have to wake me up i was having the most amazing dream ever" said Zam as she looked up at the void where his face should be "[b]The One About The Land Of Sugar And Cake?[/b]" Zam Nodded in conformation "YEAH!!!"if The town people weren't giving the duo odd look before they sure as Trew and his love the Undead where giving them now "[b]Not So Loud Zam People are Staring At Us[/b]" "Let them Stare Mort they don't know that they are dealing with GREATEST HEALER OF ALL TIME" Zam Yelled at the Towns Folk With a Non existence sigh and a chuckle Mortosh gave up trying to calm her down "[b]If You Don't Stop That Yelling Your Not Getting Your Sugar Cube[/b]" Zam looked at him with shock "Your lying" She accused "[b]There Only One Way To Find Out Now Ask That child Where The Apothecary Shop Is Zam[/b]" She Flew out of her Hole and asked the child where shop is "She says it that way" Zam Pointed Straight Ahead "now Where is my sugar Mort?" Mortosh walked in the direction that Zam Was Pointing to "[b]You'll Get It When Reach The Shop[/b]" "I better" Zam Said As she lowered herself back into her hole and Mortosh just Continued walking towards the shop [/quote] No you have not! It clearly shows when a post has or has not been edited. Clear out all references to "Afina" the name from all posts and the knowing who a cleric is by "feelings."