West laughed at how enthusiastically Brielle dove into her meager meal, before a loud grumble erupted from his stomach. He dove into his plate, filling his belly with the bread and meat before leaning back in his chair totally exhausted. Today, he had probably done more than he had ever done in his life, and none of it was real. He had saved a life, risked his own and butchered boars, but his real body hadn't moved a muscle. Lutwin flexed his hand in front of him. He was tired, so tired he could barely keep his eyes open, but in reality he wasn't anything. He was lying on his bed, plugged into a helmet that was tricking his brain into thinking he was tired. The concept both fascinated and scared him. For now, he told himself to forget about the real world and focus on this one, his new reality. It would only hold him back if he thought about the real world. He looked over to Brielle who was still eating. She probably had a life back in the real world and West would do everything he could to get her there. She probably had family that cared, friends who wanted to see her and a whole load of other things going for her. West would do what he could to return her to all of that, she seemed like a nice person and it was the least he could do given she was risking her life to help him. "It's getting late." West said, forcing himself to stand up "We should get a good nights sleep, tomorrow is going to be tough and we need to have all our wits about us."