So I was thinking that I wanted to do a small 1x1 Rp based around a selected Unit and their struggles throughout a new Urban-Terror threat. Though, if people are interested enough...I might make it a small group RP. [color=00a651]Though, I was contemplating between which Nation. Here is the list of Nations I wanted to see as the main focus. [/color] [hider=Nations?]British Royal Marine Commandos. German Standard Infantry Forces NATO Opperatives British SAS Force Russian Standard Infantry Russian Spetsnaz Or a new kind of Militaristic Force/Alliance [Which I'll get one of you to detail] Not American forces...they are over-rated[/hider] [color=0054a6]See I'm still waiting to come up with the little details, such as the opposition, location of combat, time-era, Characters...but would anyone like to see this happen? If there there are people, more that one, who want to be I the RP, no doubt, then I'll create the Small-Group option...5 players would be more than enough. If you are interested, though, mention what kind of Nation/Force you want/would prefer from the list. Cheers :'c[/color]