[hider=Adam Starek][center][img]http://orig10.deviantart.net/4945/f/2013/072/d/c/simon_henriksson_by_noahasai-d5xwhp5.png[/img] Name: Adam Starek Nickname: “The best assassin is the one no one knows about.” Age: 17 School Year: Second Gender: Male Nationality: America Personality: Despite being an assassin for hire, Adam is actually pretty sociable. After all, he finds people don’t tend to bother you when pass off as “normal.” Adam actually prides himself on not being too quiet or too loud, as people tend to notice you as you stick out like a sore thumb. In his words, he talks enough so people notice him, and knows to keep a certain amount of silence so he fades away in the background. Or so he’d like to think. Bio: Adam was born to an Assassin in the Syndicate, a massive network of illegal services for hire. The mother was unknown, presumably as his father wished to keep her identity a secret so that she couldn’t be used against him. Adam was trained to succeed his father, who was supposedly one of the best assassins in America. He learned gunplay, stealth, and disguise his father’s specialties. Adam did not exactly love his father, but he respected him for his work and for his training. Adam lived with his father for several years like this. One day the Syndicate approached Adam himself. They told him to kill his father, of course, he would be compensated for his work. So Adam poisoned his father’s food. Tragic, as the father never saw it coming. The last words his father spoke was that one day, he’d be in the same position. He decided to become a better assassin than his Father. After all, it was the least he could do as a son. Adam successfully made two assassinations before wondering why he actually really needed to kill his father. So he dared to ask the heads of the syndicate why. Was it a test of loyalty? Ruthlessness? But they told him no such order had been given. In fact, they thought his father had been killed by a rival assassin. Adam decides to head to the academy in hopes of finding out who gave that order.. Weapon: Remington CSR H&K P30 .40 S&W /w Custom Compensator Equipment: Nerve Agents Cosmetics Narcotics Skills: Talented Infiltrator Expert Sniper Improvisationist Master of Disguise[/center][/hider]