Seeing The Woman leave brought Mortosh's thought to the other character in the Shop who soon would become his comrade in arms the elven woman who introduced herself as Vaeri still unnerved him it was something about her appearance if not that it was the fact she was a cleric most of his encounters with other clerics always ended badly for him. the other two where an odd duo maybe an even odder then him and Zam. Perhaps all his unease of the elven woman was unwarranted maybe it would ease his non-existence nerves if he where to Properly introduce himself to them ("[b]What Do you Zam Think Should we introduce our self?[/b]") Zam Who seemed to ignore his question had just finished her sugar cube and so Zam was laying on the table with a satisfied grin Mortosh just chuckled at the sight ("[b]Did You Enjoy Your Cube Zam?[/b] Zam nodded as she stood up and looked up at the void where Mortosh face was. "you know what Mort i think we should do that" he looked ("[b]So You Did Listen!!![/b]) exclaimed Mortosh in a faux dramatic manner Zam responded likewise "Of Course why would you ever think little of me that just cruel Morty!!!" she said while posing in a dramatic fashion finally nether could anymore of each other antics and just lost it. after having calm Mortosh Asked Zam he really should do it in which she asked if he was going to ignore them during this entire quest. Mortosh rose from his seat and Zam flew into her hidey hole on Mortosh shoulder he began to approach the group He stopped in front of them And Zam flew out of her hole and Said "hello i am Zam and this Mortosh" who only waved at them