[hider=Character Sheet][centre] [h2][color=gold]Acacia Flynn[/color] & [color=red]Alex Flynn[/color][/h2] [hr] [hider=Acacia] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/14/22/77/142277232257f37ddb4df9b5bb6e88dd.jpg[/img] Standing at about five foot six and having a physically frail complexion, Acacia doesn't look like much of a threat and in a physical fight, she probably wouldn't be. She has the same ginger hair as her brother but unlike him, she has a pair of working eyes which seem to be a very deep blue. She is very good-looking but her body has quite a number of scars on it including a long scar that cuts horizontally across her cheek, just missing her eye. [/hider] [hider=Alex] [img]http://pre05.deviantart.net/d475/th/pre/i/2013/180/9/2/rwby__adam_by_ex_trident-d6b73if.jpg[/img] If it wasn't for the red hair, Alex would be the sheer opposite of his sister. Standing at six foot four and with a muscular build, it often confuses people to learn that he is blind and has been for nearly half of his life. Of course, he isn't what most would describe as a "normal" blind person. Under the guise of his mask, he hides the truth behind his disability. His eyes themselves have been filled with a dark, almost black, colour and purple veins line the surrounding skin. The mask he covers his eyes with seems to be a living creature in itself. Its red lining regularly shifts and morphs into various shapes and when he's connected to his sister's powers, the lining shines a fierce blue colour. [/hider] [b]Alias(s):[/b] None [b]Age:[/b] 21 (Alex is a minute older than her) [b]Affiliations:[/b] Mercenaries [b]Factions:[/b] The Underground Movement [b]Powers:[/b] [list] [*] [color=gold]Farsight[/color] - Acacia's senses no longer become limited to what she can physically see. Instead, she becomes capable of seeing everything in a relatively large radius around her (about the size of a normal building). With this, she feeds sensory information directly to Alex, giving him a complete 360 view of what's around him. [*] [color=gold]Fates' Design[/color] - Acacia's abilities become wholly dedicated to healing. In this state, she accepts the physical burden of the person and can often bring someone back from the brink of death. The weakness to this is that Acacia becomes the catalyst for the pain of the target's injury. Although they won't feel pain and their wounds will heal rapidly, Acacia is the one who suffers what would originally be the target's pain. This has very rarely ever resulted in a permanent injury, however. It doesn't particularly work on targets that are still being attacked as the pain will probably be too much for her. [*] [color=gold]Psychic Breakdown[/color] - In this state, Acacia becomes capable of interacting with objects in a small radius around her. This allows her to lift and control objects mentally and from a distance. Although it can also work with living creatures, it is typically extremely difficult to retain control over them unless they're unconscious. The same difficulty applies to objects that have had a large force applied to them. I.e. Acacia couldn't stop a speeding bullet or pull out the walls of a building. The weakness in this state is that Acacia herself becomes extremely vulnerable as her body becomes effectively paralysed. [*] [color=gold]Ethereal Seals[/color] - From her codex, Acacia can choose to use an ethereal seal. These are extremely powerful spells that can either be offensive or defensive. Capabilities vary greatly with some allowing her to reverse the bidding of death and others allowing her to completely cancel out someone's powers for a brief period. The first major flaw to this is that if the spell is too powerful for Acacia, it will physically tear every single molecule of her body apart. The second major flaw is that using one requires a trade for a part of your soul. After using a number of them, someone would become essentially brain-dead. Not to mention that for every part of her soul missing, a darker presence takes its place. [/list] [list] [*] [color=red]Endless Blade[/color] - Alex isn't exactly limited by physical understanding of his blade. To him, it just feels like an extended limb and it acts in such a way. His blade skills are downright deadly if he's linked up with Acacia's Farsight as very little can actually escape his senses in that state. The blade itself is curious when used in tandem with Alex: the more cuts that he lands and the more blood he draws makes his next cuts even more harmful. The blade itself seems to get sharper the more blood he draws but this has some major weaknesses as he can draw too much blood and absorb it into his system which will be described below. [*] [color=red]Hunger[/color] - Although he doesn't know its origins, Alex's powers have manifested a disease he calls the "Hunger". It's the reason why he went blind and if it wasn't for his sister's efforts, the same thing would spread around his entire body. To sate it and to stop it from having more disastrous effects on him, Alex uses his blade to leech blood from others. Both the strength and problem with this is that the disease can never really be sated so it causes Alex to have an unquenchable bloodlust. He can never really stop killing. It just in his nature. [*] [color=red]Hunger Manifestation[/color] - What Adam becomes when he either gorges himself on blood or reaps too little is gruesome. His body changes to something more akin to a wild beast but its shape never seems to settle, changing form regularly. Instead of his blade, his weapons becomes a pair of rather sickening claws that also don't seem to hold still. In this state, Alex has no physical control over himself whatsoever. The first time it happened, he very nearly killed Acacia and if she hadn't used a seal to wipe it, he would have literally tore her to pieces. His bloodlust becomes the only important thing to him - friend or foe, as long as they have a pulse, that's all that matters. Excessive injury or gorging on blood will return him to his normal state. [/list] [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*] [color=gold]Strategic[/color] - Acacia is an intelligent enough person, often being the brains behind their duo rather than the muscle. [*] [color=gold]Reader of people[/color] - Acacia has spent most of her life having to decide whether to trust people or not. She usually has a good eye for it. [*] [color=gold]Dancer[/color] - Strangely, when she's not robbing banks, she seems to be awfully into dancing. [/list] [list] [*] [color=red]Charismatic[/color] - For someone that physically has to kill people, Alex is actually quite a nice guy. Although his sister is the strategic one, he has made most of the alliances for them. [*] [color=red]Heightened Fitness[/color] - Alex is pretty damn fit, often practising his sword-fighting for hours a day or other exercises. [*] [color=red]Weapon Skills[/color] - Alex could probably use most melee weapons fairly well. It's ranged weapons that seem to stump him as no matter how useful Farsight is, it's still bloody hard to aim a gun when you can't even look down its sights. [/list] [b]Equipment:[/b] [url=http://orig03.deviantart.net/900f/f/2014/217/d/5/d555c771a35c9f970d9cbfb108260d18-d7tslam.png]Astral Edge[/url] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a7/32/13/a732138a0a63bc2651dc6f2d258c2e8f.jpg]Pandora's Codex[/url] [b]Ranking:[/b] Both a B but collectively, they can boost each other up into a high A status. [b](Optional) Brief History:[/b] [/centre][/hider]