"It is an honor, small wise one," Vlor replied, "I will go find the Insect-man personally and tell him of our orders. As for the others, we will meet soon and ride to these 'Nurenhaven' ruins. I have never had such things as 'fish' before, so this will truely be a worthy hunt!" Vlor took his leave, nodding to everyone in assembly and left the tent. He noticed that the Drow woman had taken her leave quickly, almost rushing away from the tent. Vlor could not remember her name until Blim spoke it aloud. Naia and him had maybe spoken once. Maybe. Vlor looked around, unable to find Naia dispite the woman's darker appearance and the blinding yellow and white sands. "She must be off looking for the one known as Anders," Vlor muttered to himself. The Orc strolled away from Blim's tent, searching for their new companions. He knew nothing of the Insect-men, other then some damn gossip around the Orcish camps.