[hider=Cer] Name: Cer Kytel Alias(s): Avarice Age: 23 Affiliations: Made some friends with Russian mobsters Factions: Formerly Underground (returning) Description: [hider=Cer] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/30/7e/b1/307eb1179a894fe750e3150d05eadaf6.jpg[/img] Her hair was once blond but has turned grey very early from an incident, she rarely finds the time to dye it now so it stays grey. [/hider] Powers: [hider=Partial Replication] Cer is a replicator but because of the fact that she does not immediately gain the knowledge to use that power it is only partial. This is likely because she alters her genetic makeup very slightly each time she meets a meta, changing genetic makeup does not equal he experience of the source or how they learned to use it.[/hider] [hider=Limitations/Weaknesses] Besides the fact that Cer does not get a sources knowledge she can not absorb certain types of powers. Powers too similar to her own, powers that would result in a large genetic change, duplicates of any already replicated powers (though in the case of passive powers they accumulate and become more potent), and any Power Negating abilities when they are in use. Another area of weakness is the amount of time she has to spend trying to copy a power, the first power she ever tried to learn, with out the source, took her two years she has shortened the process to a couple of months but that still pretty inefficient, supposedly with practice she should come to appoint where she can figure it out in just a few days.[/hider] [hider=Strengths] Cer has spent over half her life time training and working her butt off just to deal with Avarice and in the process she has learned more about how to use her powers than most Metas learn in their whole lifetime. Though her arsenal of powers isn't particularly large she has refined each one to the best of her abilities and controls them with the utmost skill. She can also sense Metas and their power output depending on distance and intensity. She can also gain an ability through a blood transfusion as she blood type AB, so far her experiences with that allow her to use the ability faster but she predicts that they will also cause her to burnout depending on how much she uses them[/hider] [hider=Current powers] Passive Powers- These powers usually need to be learned to turn off rather than on and become more powerful depending on the number ability holders she has met. -Self Sustenance: Gives her the ability to go very long periods of time without basic necessities (food/water/sleep) -Meta Sensing capabilities -Regeneration: Due to the fact that she has met several metas with the power over the years her healing factor has gone way up, she can heal quite quickly from most wounds and while she hasn't lost a limb yet she supposes it might grow back or reattach itself, probably which ever comes first. Active Powers- Powers she has learned over her life time -Energy manipulation: Arguably this deserves its own section because of how extensively she uses it, she has a wide range of attacks from beams to blasts to waves to bolts each with their own varying effect she even can produce the same effect as an EMP as well as charging her own body with energy to augment strength. These attacks are limited to the amount of energy Cer has but she has only run out once while holding up a mountain after fighting several other metas. The consequences were still devastating but indicate that she has vast reserves of energy. -Pocket dimensions: While this is quite useful for storing things it takes her a good 5 minuets to open one, making them not ideal for combat. At the moment she can only sustain 5. Pocket 1 is her blood sample collection, 2 is personal belongings, 3 weaponry, 4 is miscellaneous and looks like a hoarders den, and 5 is currently empty though she would love to throw someone in there and see what happens. -Flight -Limited Aerokinesis and Terrakinesis [/hider] Skills: Positive- Familiar (if not skilled with) most fighting types Good aim Multi-lingual Expert on Meta Abilities Manipulative Negative- Irrational Obsessive Impatient Greedy Equipment: She relies so heavily on her powers that in terms of fighting equipment she doesn't have much. Though rumor has it she some how got a tank into her arsenal pocket, she will neither confirm or deny this but judging by the fact that she can not drive a tank she probably doesn't. She also has a motorcycle in pocket 2 that she uses occasionally. Ranking: This time she's an A and she knows it Brief History: (Skipping to early teens) After discovering her powers in a chance accident her parents entrusted her to a family friend who was to be her mentor she traveled the world for while. It was lonely work but rewarding, her mentor was an energy manipulator and under her lead she became a force to be reckoned with. She was about 16 when they picked up Vince, an Italian with a puppet-master like power. They made a pretty good team and the trio upped the ante of their missions, which ended up not being for the best. They had a job to take out a small gang of thugs on a mountain in Nepal and it turned out to be a trap. They fought hard but ended up getting cornered into a cave that had been rigged with explosives, when the blasts went off she tried to protect everyone but she failed she and Vince barely made it out and when they did Cer wasn't the same. She was too weak to fight off the dark side of her personality and so a shift was made and things moved on. Avarice didn't care about the death of her mentor and she certainly didn't care about doing the right thing, she wanted to take everything the world had to offer and she wasn't just going to ask for it. Vince stuck with her and they went for a change of scenery, LA specifically. The underground movement was pretty good fit for her until she got into a tiff with the old management and thus she was on the move again. Landing in Russia where the law was looser and the jobs were bloody. She didn't ask questions but she did want odd payments; blood samples from metas, priceless artifacts, art, really anything rare as she was first and foremost a hoarder. She made some pretty good connections. They called her Серый дьявол which meant grey devil which was perfect because it meant they fed bother her ego and her wallet. Paradise on earth, minus the weather, and because of that she spent a while there. Recently though she's heard whispers of trouble brewing in LA, she'd have to be dead to not want to go back. [/hider] [hider=Vince] Name: Vince Ceilio Alias(s): Age: 25 Affiliations: Avarice and CO. Factions: Under ground (returning) Description: [hider=Vince] [img]https://p.gr-assets.com/540x540/fit/hostedimages/1379799521/655936.jpg[/img] Vince stands at a rather intimidating 6 foot 4 and loves to use his athletic build to scare people. His casual wear usually consist of jeans and a button down shirt or a V-neck because he loves those, on missions he dons a black cloak and pair of dark cargo pants with knee pads and a dark shirt. Each is specifically tailored to fit him and made with special features. His Formal wear is of course a suit. [/hider] Powers: -Pheromone/emotion manipulation: Vince can influence a persons thoughts and emotions through 'powerful suggestions.' He can suggest feelings that aren't easily ignored, even by people who are emotionally controlled or guarded. He could plant a feeling of need for something that, with reinforcement, would become almost impossible to ignore. If Vince exerts too much influence over a person their brain basically becomes like putty and they are essentially mindless drones, sadly with out Vince's guidance they'll die because they will not attend to their own needs. This power is weakened when Vince tries to influence large groups of people, his influence will eventually fade and disappear after extended periods of time away from it. It is especially effective on normal humans and women. -Nerve Manipulation: He can accelerate his reflexes, speed, strength and other attributes and do the same on other people. He can keep up a constant 'boost' for 4 hours, any longer and he does nerve damage that even he can not fix. While he can not regenerate he can prompt his wounds to heal much faster, reducing the amount of time needed to heal by at least 75%, any pain caused by a wound can be suppressed due to the rate at which his nerves heal as nerves are the reason people feel pain. He, in theory, can control the movements of a person and essentially 'puppet, them but this is an extremely difficult and energy consuming task and he focuses primarily on creating or cutting out impulses or messages being sent to the brain. This allows him to make people feel pain among other sensations and prevent them from seeing or feeling things if he so chooses. Interestingly enough he can create nervous diseases or heal them but he can't really fix any other sicknesses. This power works best through touch and when applied through touch there is a lasing effect that can diminish if the victim goes out of range. Proximity works as well but it is not nearly as potent. It is similarly weakened by the amount of people he effects and works better on normal humans, however, there is no extra effect on either gender. He can be killed like any normal person, his powers are not very offensive friendly so a face to face confrontation is a dangerous situation for him because he mostly has to rely on the weapons he has with him. Skills: -Good Actor -Skilled in combat with both hand to hand styles and weapons -Multi-Lingual -Literary nerd (He reads Homer's Odyssey and Shakespeare for fun) Equipment: He has already liquidated his Russian assets and Avarice is holding his art and library so he doesn't carry much on him. Ranking: B Brief History: [hider=Not as long as it was] Vince was born into part of Italy's wealthy class but his father got there with powers which led the largely Catholic community to believe he was some kind of 'Devil Spawn,' the way he could charm people into doing what he wanted was unearthly. Within a couple years of Vince's birth they decided that the child must be saved, the wife would never have voluntarily married a Devil's man or bear his child. These where fairly good intentions, Vince's father was a bad person to the core, but along the way things went wrong. A plan was devised to hide him away and raise him the right way, so at four years old he was stolen from his home. During the chaos that ensued, his parents house was burned down with them trapped inside. Despite the ruckus this should have caused the press was kept quiet and any documentation of the incident cite it as an accident, besides the official police report that is. Vince's powers began to manifest when he was only seven, the towns people began to grow suspicious of him, the shop keepers inexplicably could not turn him down when he asked for sweets without paying. He was aware of his persuasiveness shortly after his powers kicked in. People began to distrust him in general and the feeling was mutual, he couldn't bring himself to even like humans and he eventually came to the conclusion that Humans were the natural enemy of Metas. Things were getting particularly bad when a traveler came by swiping him up in the nick of time. A woman with powers, though very different from his own, took him under her wing and taught him how to control his powers for better or for worse. This mentor also had a prudish blonde haired girl by the name of Cer. Though they fought well together, they weren't on the best of terms otherwise. She was just too nice, always chastising him for using his power and telling him that if they didn't do it the right way that it wasn't worth doing it at all. With time even his mentor became distrustful of him and he was getting ready to leave when the mountain attack changed everything. From the rubble of the cave emerged someone completely unlike Cer. She was stronger; you could see it in the way she handled herself, the way she talked, even the way she looked at people. It took them both a minuet or two to realize that their mentor was now dead, buried under a pile of rock. Whatever had taken over Cer called herself Avarice and made him quite the proposition, if Vince chose to work with her he would be rich and allowed to do what ever he wanted with out judgment or scorn. Though he couldn't be sure about the promise of money, he chose to stick with her. Of course he resolved that the second he wanted to leave he would just persuade her to let him but it turned out to be a more glorious partner ship than he imagined. Now, with full pockets, Avarice has started looking back to LA and all the trouble there. If Vince didn't know any better he'd say she was jealous that someone started a party without her, either way it looks like their going back. [/hider] [/hider]