Spoony walked out of the subway amazed at what she saw. It was all so pretty to her! She hadn't seen anything like it before! "Oh my gosh! It's so pretty!" Spoony said skipping off the Subway. After the formalities Spoony approached the cyclops that she had seen earlier. She actually thought the Cyclops was kind of cute and would make a wonderful friend for her. Just so long as the girl didn't get too close to Razor. "Hey there cutie!" Spoony said approaching the girl with a grin on her face. "I have to admit these machines are really impressive!" Spoony added. Spoony did really enjoy computers. The only issue though was that her slime often seeped into the keyboards and sometimes even the machines if they were too close to her. It made it quite hard for her to use them. Greg had been hiding in the front of the train this whole time. He had only seen pictures of these supernatural creatures. But he had never seen them in person. He was in shock the entire train ride over. After awhile he was just standing there staring a the variouse creatures that had passed by him. Techincally he was a human ambassador there to help the other students learn to co-exist with the humans. He only hoped that none of these creatures would try to eat him. He was like a statue just standing there with his mouth open and staring at all of these creatures. Someone would get offended by this sooner or later he was sure.