[center][h1]Jacob/Draken[/h1][/center] [hider=Real Life Info] Appearance: [hider=Jacob] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/dd/ea/89/ddea89e8aa0cf5d03078f4266d70ba6d.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Jacob Clement Age: 25 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Occupation: Mechanic/Inventor Personality: Jacob is quirky, fun and full of enthusiasm he often is very energetic and he is a hardworker who doesn't take no for an answer, he is helpful and kind and will aid those who are feeling down sad or lonely almost everyone finds him weird and sometimes makes fun of him so he is often lonely himself at times. Biography: Jacob was born in an abusive family with an alcoholic mother and a dad who didn't care much for him he grew up taking care of himself and his aunt taught him his manners he went to a run down school at a young age and was made fun of a lot because he came to school in ruddy clothing and was never hip or very cultural often not knowing a lot about the world he was made fun of because he wasn't that smart and he never really graduated until he was twenty years old and he decided he would start a career as a Mechanic and he often tinkered with motors and other machines. [/hider] [hider=In-Game Info] Appearance: [hider=Draken] [img]http://img04.deviantart.net/6c6f/i/2011/098/8/6/crimson_drake_by_butterfrog-d2bic6a.jpg[/img] [/hider] Username: Draken Gender: Male Race/Species: Psuedodragon Personality: Draken acts like Jacob except more graceful and ferce Stats: Teamwork 5 Fitness 5 Agility 9 Stamina 4 IQ 10 Strategy 10 Skills: Acrobatics,Knowledge (Arcane), Athletics, Thievery. Abilities: Poisonous Bite; whenever Draken bites an opponent he injects a minor toxin into his victim. Tail Sting; Draken can inject an opponent with poison from a stinger on his tail. Minor Dragon Breath (Poison); Draken can breath either a cloud of poisonous gas or spit an acidic saliva. Change Form: Draken may assume a human form, belongings in human form are transformed with the body. Weapon/s: Claws,Bite, small blaster gun and a vibro-blade. Class: Warrior Recognition: Other players perceive Draken as approachable but fierce looking Fame: Draken isn't that famous but people know him as a helpful guide to the world of infinity just by meeting him. Extras: Ability to speak. [/hider]