[quote=@Spriggs27] And that's why Jun [@ReaptheMusic] get's the shitty room with a floor mattress next to the noisy ice machine across from the 24 hour daycare center with the broken locks, dodgy cable with only two channels, creaky floor boards, no toilet and the leaky ceiling. [/quote] Jun: *looking around at his as you described, shitty room* [color=gold]"Oh this is wonderful<3 Now I can spend so much money on renovations and bring in all new furniture and--oh! NEW PAINT JOB!"[/color] *looks at his pamphlet that specifically says that he can't do any of that, stays quiet for a moment* [color=gold]"T...That's so... so.... WONDERFUL!!!!"[/color] *throws pamplet up in the air, twirling around happily and sparkling* [color=gold]"WHAT A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY THIS IS<3"[/color]