Having been so absorbed in calming the shakes from his withdrawal, Dimitri hadn't been paying full attention when Brett began to explain the score. That is, he hadn't been paying full attention until Brett mentioned 50,000 caps. The bounty hunter's ears tuned in, his brain processed every word that had come before and after the numerical digit until he got the full picture. Dimitri sprung up form his sitting position, shakes be damned as he began to pat himself down to ensure he had everything. This excitement would be quickly quashed and replaced by the urge to scream as Brett returned with a somewhat crestfallen expression and a comment on how a Deathclaw had robbed them of their bounty. "[b]ARE YOU FUCKING- HOW DI- WHY WO- FUCK![/b]" Dimitri screeched in vehement rage as he turned and punched the wall. Dimitri hit it five more times as he lamented the loss of the caps before he settled down, though it was more so from the fact that his hang was now throbbing than it was from his rage subsiding. He stood facing the wall for a few moments more, breathing in an out deeply as he processed Brett's request to focus on acquiring food now. "[b]We don't stop looking until we've acquired some form of alcohol. I think I could use a drink or six to drown out the howling feeling of loss.[/b]"