Cécile had made a pretty good distance already, then she heard someone call out to her, though she just kept going. Then the same voice asked her to at least give them a chance to catch up, so she slowed from her jog down to a fast walk so that whoever it was could catch up. Sadly with all the commotion going on it was a little hard to tell who was actually saying it since there was just so many people talking at once in the area. As for Adrien, well he couldn't help but sigh. He wanted to protect people, but it would seem as though everyone else wanted to try and find the missing person or whatever was going on. Of course once more Cécile had made things more interesting for him at least since now Moros wanted to go help her and started running off to catch up with her. Sighing very audibly this time Adrien turned and began to run after Moros so he could catch up with his sister. This definitely promised to be a rather intriguing day.