[b][h2]Viral - Scott Starting City || Plaza[/h2][/b] As Scott continued to listen to SC, still rooting through the settings, he began to doubt that his friend needed help. Or was really a friend, actually. His voice, or more likely voice modifier, didn't betray his looks or intentions. He seemed to want to be a PKing dickbag. Or, at least, that's what Scott got out of him. As he followed the Warlord on his way to the forest, Scott decided to speak up about his doubts. [b]"You mentioned bounty hunting? I believe that would be a better solution than becoming... criminals."[/b] He suggested. His voice modifier add a robotic effect to his voice, but it's main function was to hide Scott's gender. The voice was quite androgynous, and especially hidden under the added layer of roboticism. [b]"Heaven Piercing Laser..."[/b] Viral said switching conversational gears without his partner's consent. [b]"It's a big fire beam."[/b] That was the skill that SC would like to hear best, he believed. SC's skill sounded decent enough as well, though a bit useless in single combat. [b]"I also have a light healing spell, and a area of effect defensive buff."[/b] Scott explained. He wondered why his partner only mentioned one of his skills, but didn't mention it.