[b]"Huh, sounds useful."[/b], [color=ed1c24]SawCutter replied[/color]. They could be partners, definitely. [b]"That AOE defense buff could further augment my little 'Ferrum Solidus' thing. Y'see, basically it's supposed to make me nearly invulnerable for a few seconds, and if I have like, 5% of my life or whatever when the buff is finished, I regain all of my lost health. Sounded hilarious, so why not?"[/b] He continued, gauging his possible partners' reaction. [b]"On the other 'hand' I also got a rocket-punch that's supposed to bind the target down with rope and shit and drag em back to me so I can.. I dunno, punch em out or something."[/b] His little comment got him thinking. Pfft.. just a game... and only against people who can do without. [b]"What, y'don't like taking money from others? C'mon, it really is a game. I'd only do it against people who deserve it anyway. What do you think I am? Unjustified cruelty ain't my style."[/b] He continued, [b]"If you really don't wanna be doing that, let's just wreck some mobs up or something. That's fine with me too. So, where y'from anyway? Sorry if that's not proper 'netiquette' or whatever, I haven't played an MMO in ages so I forgot what you do! Heh."[/b] He checked eachothers' stats and class info. They would make a decent team, but they'd need someone who could spew out the DPS if they wanted to get anything major done. His only great weapon was his chainsaw thing, and that was obviously pretty short ranged. Another question; [b]"Wanna see if we can get a rogue or thief or whatever they're called nowadays? I think we're both sorta stonewalls, we need a glass cannon to balance that out. That Queue over yonder with the rifle seems okay."[/b]. He'd point to that fellow newly spawned 'Queue' individual and sent a notification. [b]"Well anyway, I say we level up once or twice then start PVP, if we're gonna. Make sure we know at least a little of what we're doing. You said you wanna do bounty hunting?"[/b]