[b]"You're a genius, Viral! Here, take a shot at it."[/b], He said while handing the giant piece of machinery over. It really was huge; the massiveness of [color=ed1c24]SawCutter[/color] even had some minimal trouble lugging it around. Of course, even a person could drag it around with both hands; yet then it would've just been useless as an actual weapon. Viral did seem like a smart guy, or gal, whatever. Couldn't really tell from the voice... 'Realistically', all it really needed was a tune up; just replace the small heating coils wrapped around the base of each sub-saw and re-align all of the teeth of the same. Apparently it needed 'Adept Mechanic skills' to fully repair; but Viral could repair it to 50% effectiveness, boosting its' attack output somewhat. It's heating coils even began to work, beginning to make the saws glow a slight, dull red. [b]"Hohohohho! Damn, that's rad! Gimme, please?"[/b]. [b]"Fuck, now all I need are like... rocket boosters and I'll be the coolest thing ever!"[/b]