[color=f7941d]"...Here."[/color] a tired voice said. On the wall, a portal opened, and from it walked out Augur. [color=f7941d]"Yo."[/color] The Student Relations Officer was tasked with obtaining information regarding the tension between the different factions. It was a simple task, but took longer than it probably should have, simply because of Augur's laziness. With tired eyes he glanced around the Student Council meeting room, seeing the many faces of the Student Council - save for the President, who was still off somewhere. Whether or not the President actually told the council where he was going, Augur couldn't really remember. That was irrelevant now, though. [color=f7941d]"Seems like...everyone's getting ready for a war. Nobody seems to be entirely ready for it, though."[/color] He said. The portal was still open, the boy reached inside of it, pulling out a ball. He bounced it idly as he continued to give the report. [color=f7941d]"The Fighter's Guild is probably the most fired up about the conflict at the moment...as per usual. The Imperial Regiment's still being composed n' orderly, and the Coalition...doesn't actually seem to care."[/color] In spite of what seemed to be an upcoming conflict, the Student Relations Officer didn't deliver the report with any urgency or particular emotion. Although, Augur was definitely bothered by the upcoming Rumble. It was something he had to participate in, and he wasn't very fond of putting effort into anything - especially an all-out brawl. Hopefully the students would just ignore him during the fight, but that had no chance of happening.