[img]http://i.imgur.com/Jh0By4k.png[/img] A sudden jolt knocked the air out of his lungs. He felt the ground give way and he could see nothing but pitch black. Felix tried to scream. One hand clasped over his throat while the other swung out, reaching for anything to cling in that nothingness. The gem that he held, slipped from his grasp. And in that instant his hand gripped something and his vision returned. He gulped in a huge breath of air, and violently coughed as the chill rushed to his lungs. Wheezing, he looked with wide open eyes at the frozen mound of ice in his hand. His vision began to swim. He could see figures, blurry figures all around him. In the distance he swore he saw a cabin, smoke rising from the top. As he fell to his knees he noticed the gem had vanished. "Bloody... hell," he coughed out and fell prone onto the snow, drifting into unconsciousness.