Satus had reached an impasse. He was being stopped by a member of the Black Class of all things. The countdown was still going, but to try and fight the adversary ahead would either result in defeat, or best-case scenario would be a stalemate until the timer ran out, which wouldn't be that great anyway. Satus did not respond to the girl just yet. Nor did he move just yet. Instead, he stared at her. Perhaps if he was lucky she'd get uncomfortable and leave, but there was little chance of that happening. Besides, how long would that even take? Enough time to let the countdown finish, probably. At that moment, another student seemed to enter the mix. He looked older than Satus, so he assumed he was a Third Year. He couldn't recall seeing him before though. It seemed like he was trying to strike up conversation with Kaede. It was a suicide mission no doubt. But Satus wished to take advantage of the situation. He dug into his side satchel, and searched for something to use. He found an orange. He couldn't remember where he originally obtained it , but it now had a new, valiant purpose. Satus threw the orange towards Kaede, with the goal of hitting her face. It was only after the orange had left his hand that he was swamped with a sense of both dread and regret. Regardless of success or failure, he was invariably going to be deep trouble after this.