The Captain sighed, and waved over a few of her Commanders. To people outside of the Imperial Regiment she was just a Captain, but inside the Ballistics Club she was more like a Rear Admiral than anything. During times of up coming war her sole purpose was to prepare the club in any way possible. As they approached they offered a slight nod. [color=598527]"General Mattis, war time is coming up."[/color] Commander Gothel stated the obvious. [color=598527]"Shouldn't we be communicating with the rest of the Regiment's high ranking about this?[/color] [color=007236]"The Kendo Club? Seems like they've gone incognito. And I'm pretty sure the Archery Club would rather break their bows than to work alongside us."[/color] Olle couldn't help but to state the plain truth. They'd need a savior to get the archers to even agree to talking with them. And the samurai's Captain was nowhere to be found. If they didn't show up sooner or later, it'd just have to be the infantry on it's own. [color=598527]"Fuck them then. It shouldn't be too hard to blast the Fighters to hell. My Colt could probably take quite a few of 'em down."[/color] At times like this, Olle was quite happy that all of the sound masked their conversations. Because if it didn't a lot of people would be wondering why Salem hadn't been demoted yet. Oleander snorted. [color=598527]"Ignorance. The Fighters have powers just like all of us. And even if we were able to take out all of the Fighters that easily... What about the Coalition? The Student Council? I recommend we start forming specialized fire teams and then separate them into squads. Possibly create a few elite squads as well."[/color] Commander Abner nodded his approval. [color=598527]"She's right. We also need some type of supply chain. Probably get a few soldiers that are able enough to carry cache boxes. But the Coalition..."[/color] [color=007236]"The most powerful soldiers aren't allowed to engage in any fighting, nor use their powers outside of training until the Rumble starts. Until we get to the more powerful clubs, they'll be recommended to use very little of it to not drain energy."[/color] Olle replied. [color=007236]"We'll go in overdrive during training. Everyone is going to be doing something. No leisure activities allowed. We try to make sure the Armory is heavily stocked and start loading things into boxes we might need. Abner and Gothel, I'm entrusting you to make sure people start being trained with secondaries as well. Handguns, knives... It doesn't matter. Everyone needs a backup and will also be learning tap code."[/color] Some silence passed over them. [color=598527]"And of course we'll be training a special squad to protect you-"[/color] [color=007236]"I'll be fighting amonst my comrades as always,"[/color] She adjusted her goggles slightly. [color=007236]"However I won't be directly on the front lines. Somewhere in the midst. I haven't used Truth since the last incident-"[/color] All of them grimaced. The last incident had sent Olle to the infirmary with a few broken fingers when she caught a misfired shell. [color=007236]"Keep everything as orderly and aggressive as possible. To get more numbers we'll have to let people know that the Ballistics Club is where they belong, because for us... Recruitment is always open."[/color]