Thassa shared a quiet look with Dexter, examining him when he gave her his name. He wouldn't simply turn his eyes away like Favlev did. Somehow, it was more reassuring that he didn't. Even so, she didn't respond immediately - not until that chatot approached to solicit their purpose. Only then, looking up at the colorful avian with a wide smile, the ekans slid one long loop of her tail over Favlev's back in an almost possessive gesture to indicate that they were together. "...My name is Thassa, and I have come to start a team." She was.. very quick to put herself forward, though she then lowered herself over Favlev and pressed her nose behind the creature's 'ears'. "...Favlev travels with me. Perhaps you would like to join us... Dexter?" It was the obvious offer, of course! They were looking for a third member, and lo, a prospective applicant stood before them? ...His attitude might need adjustment, she thought, but rather somebody like him than somebody she would have to protect! ...He looked strong, after all, and the species had quite a reputation for loyalty...