As the vines tried to kill Izumi, she tried her hardest to break free of them, seeing no other way to get out of the vine wrap, she humored Mairead and faked passing out in front of her, as the red head began to beat her up, small bruises appeared on Izumi's face. When she stepped on Izumi's like she was proclaiming victory Izumi almost cracked and peeked at her, but she let her have her fill of false victory, the moment she began to clean herself up and choose a room was when Izumi began to strike. The stoic girl broke the vines wrapped around her as Mairead had her back turned heading towards the corner room, when her hand reached out for the door's knob, Izumi threw one of her broken vines at the door, she knew that Mairead wasn't in good enough condition to use more of her vines and if she did, it would just make Izumi's win instant. Izumi began walking over to the redhead slowly cracking her knuckles, she had a gleam in her eye and almost seemed angry for what Mairead did to her." [color=8dc73f]Your not getting that room until you defeat me.[/color]" Izumi spoke in an emotionless tone and took up a fighting stance."[color=8dc73f]Gong yi tan pai.[/color]" The stoic girl dashed towards Mairead this time tackling her into the door and taking one of her daggers and jumping away from her, Izumi held the dagger backwards and held her open hand in front of her, she was ready to fight the girl and use her own dagger against her, Saya told her not to kill any of the students, but she never said she could brutally beat them till they couldn't stand.