"Well," Siku started, pointing to a small island off the Fire Nation. "This is Iwa here and Gung-Li is... Here," She moved her finger to a peninsula where the city was marked, about a few miles from where they were now. "It's not exactly on the coast closest to the Fire Nation, but it's on the Eastern front of this peninsula here, so they might have some way to get there. However, it might be faster to find something to get us closer to the south-western border and cross there..." She mused, scrutinizing the map. "We'll have to see what options we've got when we get there and decide then." She looked at Katsu when he mentioned getting on their way privately and she nodded, "On the other hand, if we go like that, then there's a more [i]specific[/i] trail to follow. If we take a public route with lots of people, at least there will be witnesses and other people there to follow us in case something goes wrong. It'd be harder to track names, at least." The girl made sure she had all of her equipment before rolling the map up again and rising to her feet. "Alright, well... I guess we won't know until we get there, at least, yeah? So let's move." Siku shouldered her pack and rubbed her eyes again. Four hours was not enough, no, but hopefully it would last her through the night. They needed food even more, though. "When we get there, I'm gonna eat... and eat... and eat..." She said as they found the road and started walking once more. "I'm so freakin' hungry... We could have planned our food and this walk a little bit better, I suppose." A thought occurred to her as they walked and she looked at Katsu, "Wait... Katsu... In the sewers... You only used earth and fire bending..." She noted, furrowing her brow, "Have you tried air or water yet... at all?" It still baffled her that he could even think of having the power over all four and not at least have a grasp on all four.