[i][b][center]Greengoat & Lucius Cypher Eddie Rig vs Kagenuma Yuzuki[/center][/b][/i] [b]"Oh shit."[/b] This was not what Eddie had intended. He was just trying to get to know Yuzuki, maybe play some mind games with her. Now he was visibly sweating seeing her flare up. A light laugh escaped his mouth, trying to help him keep calm. It was working. Sort of. [b]"Ah... Well..."[/b] Taking a deep breath Eddie resigned himself to his fate. So he started clapping. [b]"Yeah, I guess I deserve that. This is more then just about the pudding now. This is a matter of honor. Alright! I promised not to hold back and now it's time to put my money where my mouth is. I don't have anything as flashy as you, but..."[/b] Eddie cracked his neck and knuckles, getting low to the ground for what looks to be a sprinter's dash rather then a fighting stance. [b]"Let me show you my moves."[/b] Focusing the power of Friction through the ground Eddie used it in two parts: To reduce the friction his own body was making to the ground, and to increase the amount Yuzuki was making to the ground. this way Eddie could zip across the battle field like an ice skater, while Yuzuki would lose much of her mobility, perhaps even be rooted to the spot. But seeing her fire powers in action, Eddie knew that he had to be quick. A prolonged battle against her was just going to fry him. He was going to take her down, quickly, before it's too late. With his powers being channeled through the ground Eddie shot forward. He came like a bullet fired from a gun, going so fast that he created after images. His path was linear, and indeed Yuzuki would have no hard time figuring out which way he's coming from (Right in front of her). But now she would need to actively try to pull her feet off from the ground, and do so before Eddie collides into her. He was quick, that was for sure. At least he was intelligent enough to try and attack before she could move. However, any true martial artist was dangerous even with minimal movement. The one inch punch came to mind, but for the Kagenuma clan's own martial arts? Yuzuki closed her fist, the flames wreathing her disappearing into her grip. It took but a moment; by then the man was already dangerously close. She closed her eyes, and opened her hand. The compressed fire ball in her hand exploded with great force, though the shockwave it generated was short ranged. "Guh!" Yuzuki herself was pushed back from the sheer force of it. She didn't have time to be stunned however, so she followed up with another move. Flames shot out her back as she inhaled deeply, crouching low before launching a palm strike straight towards his chin. Eddie's eyes widen as he was about to eat a fireball to the face. He just managed to get his arms up to cover his face as he was blasted, nearly falling over. But he managed to keep himself stable long enough to rebalance himself. He saw Yuzuki getting ready to hit him in the face again, so he met her before she could get to him: Despite the pain he lunged out to grab around around the waist, deactivating the Friction between her feet to instead create a much stronger Friction between Yuzuki and Eddie. [b]"This is the end for you!"[/b] With his arms tightly around Yuzuki's waists, Eddie relied on his sheer strength and Yuzuki's light weight to do an unassisted suplex: Just lift and fall back. In the heat of battle, she haven't considered that anyone would even try to suplex her, or even grab her when she was releasing scorching hot flames by just breathing. Yuzuki missed her palm strike, as her vision suddenly turned upside down. Eddie was going to claim victory. He was going to win! He looked over to the ref, get a glimpse of his prize. But before he fell back he noticed, to his horror, that this victory would be meaningless. He saw the ref. But he did not see the pudding. [b][i]"The prize is gone!"[/i][/b] Eddie didn't finish the slam. Instead he purposely slipped, falling straight onto his back. He let go of Yuzuki as to not hurt her any more then necessary, but doing so Eddie fell onto his back, and Yuzuki sat on his face. [i][b]"Rainbow Dots? Fancy."[/b][/i] Confused by the lack of a slam onto the floor, she froze up for a moment, before realizing where she was. "Eh?" Reflexively, she slammed her fist against the man's face, creating a shockwave strong enough to make a miniature crater. "Wait, the prize is gone?" Ignoring the man, she stood up and interrogated the shopkeeper. "So... some random guy with a gun stole the prize?" What sort of dirty thieving honorless rat would even do that? Gunslingers apparently. She was still smiling, but her expression was notably strained from her anger. It was like participating in a tournament where you gave your all in the competition, but 1st place went to the richest man because he bought the judges. "..he...hehe... AHAHAHA~" Her grin looked unnaturally wide as she struggled not to simply destroy the shop. "War... this means war..." Eddie laid on the ground with a bloodied nose. Actually likely a broken one. Looking at his attire, he also noticed his pants have been burnt mostly to a crisp. That was embarrassing. Standing up he looked at Yuzuki, who seemed to be simmering with rage. Or so he thinks, what with her psychotic laughter and all. Eddie walked over to the shop keeper and glared at him. [b]"Oi. I already put money for that pudding. Then you go off and sell it to some random stranger? Have you no honor?"[/b] Eddie's expression was stoic, but the his aura radiated fury. [b]"I already paid for that pudding... So I'm going to get my money's worth."[/b]