The front half of the store was separated from the back by a thick cement wall and a heavy, metal door with a single window in the center, reinforced by some sort of a mesh metal that entwined and twisted between the panels of glass. In terms of hiding places, the group could have done a hell of a lot worse, that's for sure. Sam, now convinced that the people in the back were at least relatively safe, had taken to wandering the isles of the store while Lee rummaged through the front of the store, behind the counter. She was searching for another gun, or maybe ammo for the gun. She had only been in the store twice-- once to buy some putty to fix her leaky sink, and another time to buy a hammer for something unimportant-- she had seen the man who owned it. He was big, he had a beard, and he wore lots of plaid. If he didnt have a gun behind this counter, she would be surprised. She was surprised, and she made that clear. "Jesus fucking christ..." she muttered under her breath, rubbing at one of her temples as she stood up. "Nothing..." Sam was finding that his explorations were leading to much more fruitful results. Big, heavy pipes. wrenches, scythes, hedge clippers, bladed objects, blunt objects, they could all be found in the isles. "Hey, I think theres stuff we can use here!" He said, calling out to Lee. "Like, a bunch of good stuff."