"[color=darkgreen]Rrrright here, sssissssssy,[/color]" said the guttural voice of Jubei Ichigo, the Bayou Baron. "[color=darkgreen]I'm gonna sssmasssh your head in, and I'mma sssmasssh it in again at [i]Boxermania[/i]![/color]" With a mighty leap, a massive, portly, scaled figure heaved himself into the arena and drew himself up to his full size. Standing at 6'4'' and covered in thick alligator scales, Jubei Ichigo was a perfect demonstration of muscle and sinew wrapped in the body of a bipedal crocodilian. With a terrifying growl, The Bayou Baron posed dramatically and slammed his massive tail against the ground. Roy Bivvens nodded at Jubei's entrance with clear interest, and shouted out again. "[color=lightgreen]Hwat an answer! You boys know the rules here: [i]three[/i] minutes per round, no strikes at the face or below the belt, and no weapons![/color]" Jubei hissed enthusiastically, doing his damnedest to play to the crowd. He slammed his meaty fists together, and pointed menacingly at Al. With a big, toothy grin, Roy raised his left arm straight up, and lifted a small mallet with the other. Roy swung the mallet into a small ringside bell, and called out triumphantly. The match began! "[color=lightgreen]"Geet'eron!"[/color]" With clear practice behind his movement, The Bayou Baron immediately went in for a wicked right jab to the ribs. Could Alphonse Valkanos dodge the Baron's blows in time?