It was time for the first match. Alphonse was going to brawl against the Bayou Baron. The crowd was getting hyped, as was par for the course for whenever Roy Bivvens gave the opening announcements. The Captain made a mental note to speak to Roy and get a few of the boys. After all, there were other preparations that needed to be done. Mickey thought about the matter, and knew what was needed. But for now what he needed to do was prepare to watch the fight. However, Kurosawa knew that the fight would not be merely watched. No, these two spirited contestants would deliver as much passion as possible in this match. The flurry of fists would be grand, and as the Captain, Kurosawa needed to keep things as grand as possible. And what that entailed for this match was simple. Misaki needed to cheer on the sidelines, for the contestant that showed true skill. Or perhaps she'd cheer for whoever was the underdog at the moment. Whoever she would cheer for, she needed to make sure to keep the hype real. And so, Misaki grabbed her pom poms and headed into the crowd. With an eager grin she moved her pom poms from side to side as she gazed upon the ring. [color=a187be]"Woo! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"[/color] Once the match actually traded a few blows she could do the actual cheers. There was one thing she knew for sure, this match was going to be an entertaining show of individuals with their fiery passions on the line.