Minako blinked at the clock and sighed in disgust as she looked at the remaining students, none of them were even qualified to be her sibling anyways, they weren't even strong at all. [color=f49ac2]"All of you monkey's are pathetic, but for your efforts I will allow 50 students to leave the auditorium. The other 25.. you'll all be blown to bits!"[/color] Minako giggled as she started to notice everybody running towards her, her grin grew wider. Minako moved out of the way and counted one by one of all of the students running out for freedom and screaming, Minako just stood there leaning against the door. [color=f49ac2]"45.. 46.. 47.. 48.. 49...!"[/color] Minako tensed up as her grin grew larger by the minute. [color=f49ac2]"50!"[/color] Minako said as she blocked the doorway with her scythe to block anybody else from exiting, she closed the door and blocked it with some heavy boxes that were lying against the side of the auditorium. Minako then stood back as she heard the timer slowly ticking down to one, her grin turning back into a smile. [color=f49ac2]"If you're weak enough to stand against an enemy, how could you possibly be an assassin."[/color] Minako said to herself, she awaited the explosion that would wipe out the students.