Kingsley started on his pot pie. Today he was using a combination of beef and bear meat, which normally took much longer than chicken as he liked using tough cuts in his meat-based pies and stews. After all, if one was going to use a tender cut of beef anyways, there were better recipes to make. As for the bear, well, it was important to use lean cuts from wild game to cut the 'gamey' flavor as most of that resided in fat tissue. His secret to getting it done quickly was the pressure cooker. By cooking his meat under intense pressure, those tight muscles would loosen up well in no time and congregate with all the other flavors within an hour. He got his beef, bear, and mirepoix ready along with some beef bouillon he had made beforehand. He placed all these in the pressure cooker along with some water, and started on his crust. The crust still wasn't done by the time the meat was ready, but this was planned. He opened the pressure cooker, and the delicious smell of meat wafted out of the Home Economics class. Surely the delicious smells would reach nearby rooms soon, such as the place in which the boxing club took residence, but this did not concern Kingsley. Kingsley only cared about three things: Taste, presentation, and technical execution. The giant sauteed some mushrooms and peas as the mixture cooled and the dough for the crust sat in the refrigerator. He added the sauteed items to the contents of the pressure cooker, which had gone down quite a bit in temperature thanks to his surrounding the container with ice. By now, the dough was ready and he covered the pie pan with the evenly-rolled crust. After shaping it, he used the remainder to cut strips out which would go on top of the meat mixture. He added the warm mixture to the pie pan, placed dough strips on top, and put the thing in the oven. In 25 more minutes it would be done, and as the pie baked the surrounding area became infused with even more delicious smells.