Vaeri kept her hood up as she wandered through the village looking for the inn. This village was a quaint place, it almost reminded her a tiny bit of her hometown. The quaintness was why she had to keep herself concealed. This place no doubt saw little traffic from non-humans, and even taking that out of account, Vaeri was well aware that her appearance had a habit of unsettling people. So instead she walked around in her cloak, looking slightly less suspect. After all, a clergyman of a deity unknown to the locals would get by a lot easier if everyone who looked upon him didn't think him a cultist. After about fifteen minutes of walking, the elf stopped where she stood and looked around. To her right was the Apothecary. She had made a giant circle. She never had this problem finding her way forests or her hometown. Humans and their 2 dimensional settlements. It made finding your way around so much more complicated. Trying to find where you were in relation to the rest of the town was nearly impossible since buildings blocked everything else around them. Back in Lianyu you could look up and down and get so much more information based on the levels above and below you. Frustrated, Vaeri enters the Apothecary again and approaches the counter. "I'm sorry to bother you again, but could you please direct me to the inn? I haven't been able to find it on my own."