Ricki's attention turned to SawCutter, the one who invited her and the one who started talking to her first. Ricki blinked her eyes more open--they weren't wide open, but just more open than it was--when SawCutter mentioned he could tell that Ricki was a little 'spooked'. [i]FRICK[/i]. Is it really that obvious? Or rather, is it [i]still[/i] obvious? And here Ricki thought she wasn't worried about the whole thing anymore; Ricki wonders what signs could have given it off. Anyways, no need to get worried all over again. Come on, pull it together. Ricki actually kept her cool and brought a hand up and waved it a little, [color=#2E64FE]"Naaah naah it's all good,"[/color] Ricki wanted to reassure that there's no harm done or anything like that and even gave out a brief snicker and managed to slip it right through just before SawCutter continues on talking. Ricki listened to him give further details about the setup of the party and what it plans to do. With no objections Ricki nodded, [color=#2E64FE]"Count me in."[/color] It was then noted that the other chick with them, was actually a [i]dude[/i]. Ricki would've let out a 'DAYUM' in surprise, but then her attention once again turned back to Sawcutter when asked if interested in some PvP for later on. [color=#2E64FE]"Hell yeah, I'm up for it. I was kinda planning to do the same thing, leveling up a bit before PvP-ing and all,"[/color] Ricki responded with a bit of eagerness. Ricki then gets distracted by the loud bang, from a gun by the sound of it, from whatever distance she and the party were from it. Ricki didn't turn her head towards it, she more-or-so just focused her hearing towards it. She half-listened to the woman shouting about something or what not while the other half of the listening was towards her party's chatter. The half-listening didn't really last that long, and soon Ricki's full attention was back towards the party. Ricki chuckled a bit on Queue's comment on being a pacifist before speaking out her thought, [color=#2E64FE]"Honestly we could do a little mix of both,"[/color] Ricki refers to the 'tactics or all-out' question. [color=#2E64FE]"Well, assuming that it'll be one of those breeze-through huntings since we're all level numero unos'."[/color] Ricki paused briefly. [color=#2E64FE]"And assuming again, that there are levels. But ey, I'm open to any kind of approach,"[/color] Ricki puts her hands up relaxingly behind her head just before giving a short glance to the girl who ran by them. Possibly the one who set off the gunshot. Ricki thought a little mix of tactics and going all out was a decent idea. Assuming that'll it be easy since it's their first time, like she said, it wouldn't be too risky going all out. If for some reason Ricki was way off, or if anything backfires for whatever reason that may be, the tactics part could be a backup.