[@Morte Angelis][@Musoka] Taylor panicked and turned to the crowd like a fish out of water as he listened to the opening beat. He had never heard this song and could not sing, that was not his thing, public eye was not his thing, this was worse that court. [i][color=9966CC]You don't know this song do you.[/color][/i] Bobby said with a dry tone, more of a statement than a question. [i][color=9966CC]Move over, I know this song and can at least make us not look like fools.[/color][/i] Taylor could not argue with him there but anxiety still crept up his spine. He did not know if the time was right but it was his only other option besides looking like a sourpuss. Whenever Taylor and Bobby switched off, it could be described as two friends doing a bro hand shake. All Taylor had to do was close his eyes and focus on Bobby. In doing this it was like, him sticking his hand out, mean while Bobby would move to the front of his mind this was like Bobby taking his hand. Then they would go in for the bro hug, this was them switching places. Once that was done Bobby would let go, that was him moving back to the surface, and Taylor would let his hand go, that was him taking Bobby's place. It used to be a long and upsetting process but after years of doing it they got a system down. Bobby opened his eyes and immediately smiled that knowing smile. He took a breath and smelled the cafe air around him and then looked at his soul mate. She was even more beautiful in person and that caught him off guard for a moment. The he heard the music and he remembered were he and looked at the man that was playing the song. [i][color=Springgreen]You better not screw this up.[/color][/i] Bobby chuckled and opened his mouth to speak. [color=9966CC]"Hey I do know this song."[/color] [i][color=9966CC]"Hey Little girl, I wanna be your boyfriend."[/color][/i] [i][color=9966CC]"Sweet little girl, I wanna be your boyfriend."[/color][/i] [i][color=9966CC]"Do you love me babe?"[/color][/i] [i][color=9966CC]"What do you say?"[/color][/i] [i][color=9966CC]"Do you love me babe?"[/color][/i] [i][color=9966CC]"What can I say?"[/color][/i] [i][color=9966CC]"Because I wanna be your boyfriend."[/color][/i] The entire song he looked at Annaliza the whole time, Bobby sung this song for her. He did not have the best singing voice ever, but it was decent. He always sound more masculine that Taylor, this was another thing that set them apart. Taylor knew that he would get up on stage and have fun with the whole situation, dancing around and going with the beat, he would have shrunk and probably fell in a corner. Bobby looked at the man and nodded a thanks then got off stage and went over to Annaliza. He was going to see if she could tell the difference. He went up to her and hugged her, then looked her in the eyes. [color=9966CC]"That was so much fun, how did you think I did?"[/color]