[h2]Skull[/h2] "Hey, you demonic half-wit, I think it'd be best for whatever is currently living in whatever area of hell you dropped that undead fucker off in that you bring him back soon. Asshole's hates to be woken up before he's ready, but he hates it even more when people pull shit like you just did, and when he gets pissed, things get real fucking ugly." The Skulls shook it's head in annoyance, unable to believe how stupid this damn hellspawn was. I mean, locking someone in hell was already a dickish thing to do in the first place, especially when you're the one who started the whole mess, but to do that to Razor was the equivalent to shooting at a nuke, it could only end badly for everyone. "Just open a portal into the coffin, then slam the lid right on to it and he'll be out like a light in no time, and it'll be like none of this had ever happened. But I seriously suggest you hurry with that, as a ghoul in Hell with anger issues can wreak a lot of havoc with very little effort. I mean, a plane full of damned souls and nothing to do. Idleness is the devil's workshop, ya know, and it's been brought right to his motherfucking doorstep!" [h2]Ian Blackwood[/h2] Ian merely chuckled and waved the gargoyle off, but as soon as she was out of sight, he let out a sigh of relief. He was glad that she had decided to be nice and let him off, because if she had kept on going with that, he'd probably have been a quivering mess. Still, he got her number and a future dinner date, so it was definitely worth the small amount of embarrassment that he'd had to suffer. As he walked up to his dorm, however, he saw thhat they had a greenhouse, and within, he saw two other dark elves, as well as his winged paramore from the train earlier. As he walked in, he gave her a sly smile and a wave, before turning his attention to his fellow dark elves in the corner. "Hello, my fellow Dark elves, or do you prefer the term Drow? Either way, it's always could to see other dark elves around, though seeing another demon-drow hybrid would be nice once in a while. Ah well, what are you to do, I mean, what dark elf would every try and get romantically involved with a demon, what ever offspring they sired would be doomed to a life of the utmost bigotry. Alsas, I believe myself to be a bit of a rarity." After his dramatic, if not so serious, speech, Ian's eyes shimmered ever so slightly into their more demonic shade of vibrant violet, before settling down. "But enough about that, I've yet to introduce myself. Ian Blackwood, at your service. May I have the pleasure of knowing your names?"