[center][color=gray][color=white][b]Name[/b][/color] Kana Matell [color=white][b]Age[/b][/color] 18 (Senior) [color=white][b]Gender[/b][/color] Female [color=white][b]Appearance[/b][/color] Kana has some muscle definition that suggests she is very active in her day to day activities. On her left shoulder is a flaming sun, on her right is a crescent moon. Between her shoulder blades, there is a compass tattoo. Kana has piercings on both of her ears, just small ones, and a larger piercing in her belly button. She has two precious gems inlaid in the back of her hands, a form of body modification that isn't very common. The gem in her left hand is a blood red ruby and the gem in her right hand is an azure blue sapphire. Both gems are pure and flawless, she never discloses the price of them. Strangely enough, the gems don't seem to bother Kana in the slightest. She changes her style up every other week, which usually includes different coloring in her hair or a totally different style of clothing. Kana prefers colorful clothing and has a 'mix-it-up' attitude with them. She doesn't care if her top doesn't match her sweater. Kana usually wears knee-high socks with shorts or a skirt but jeans aren't an uncommon sight with her either. She enjoys hoodies of varying style but likes the zippered ones the most. Kana will commonly wear fingerless gloves to keep the inlaid gems out of sight or arm gloves on colder days, she doesn't keep the gems a secret but she doesn't like it when people gawk at them. Sometimes Kana will wear caps. [hider=Image][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lFwjSTlTKnM/WUzb1P9er7I/AAAAAAAANrA/KkKZTnYKpWYuFZAo7bus3pa6aZO-4C7sQCJoC/w800-h800/868b2f99012b_006.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=white][b]Power[/b][/color] [u]Astral-Elemental Synchronicity[/u] Kana is attuned to astral patterns of the sun and the moon and draws elemental energies from them both. During the day, Kana can wield the element of fire. At night, she can wield element of ice. When both the sun and the moon are in the sky and are visible, Kana can wield both elements. When the moon eclipses the sun, her ice wielding powers are doubled. On the rarer occasion that the sun emits a solar flare, Kana's fire wielding powers are doubled. During the day, Kana's eyes glow a fiery orange color; during the night, they glow a brilliant azure blue. [color=white][b]Personality[/b][/color] Kana is a bit of a problem child. She is quite rebellious and fiery, taking her pride to the next level if somebody tries to dent it. Loyalty is one of her biggest morals, she will kindly treat those who know how to keep a secret or come to her side when she needs a hand. She can't stand being called butterfly, and will often use her power as a means to intimidate if she is called that. She may come off as a bit of a bitch normally, but deep down inside, is a girl who wanted a happy family and happy life. Her desire for that makes her long for a lasting friendship with people that she can call a brother or a sister, but her exterior attitude often pushes people away. Those that do manage to breach her hard exterior, find a girl that had no control throughout her childhood. When it comes to talking, Kana is rather unfiltered and will say what she has on her mind most of the time. Kana is an avid racer and a competitor at almost anything she sets her eyes on. She loves driving and she actually seems totally at ease when she in the driver seat of a fast car. When competing against somebody, she will take a defeat honorably and respect her opponent or encourage them if they lose. Kana enjoys the company of others who are into fun competition, and that is the best way to get to know the girl behind the bad ass. She takes up a challenge on a whim if it is claimed she can't do something which can sometimes be exploited to get the best of her. While Kana may seem like a delinquent, she is actually very smart. She is always on time with her classes and diligent, never complaining about a bit of extra work. Kana tries to keep her intelligence masked with a somewhat thuggish attitude, finding it funny when people think she will hit first and ask questions later, only to get a nasty surprise that she outmaneuvered and outsmarted her opponent in a battle of wits. The result: A quick thinking glass cannon. Kana doesn't like talking about her family, and often tries to change the topic when it comes around. [color=white][b]Likes[/b][/color] Street racing, parkour, physical activity, competition, electronic music, old-school horror movies [color=white][b]Dislikes[/b][/color] Self-doubt, disrespect, show-offs, cheesy romance, gangsters, police [hider=History] "Let me tell you about my life. Unlike a lot of the students here in this town, I didn't get the chance to grow up with a happy family and lead a girly life with shoes and purses and talking about boys. I was born into this world and put in the hands of a father that wasn't my own, some pushover cop who swung in after my real dad high tailed it out of Canada when he found out my mum was with pregnant with me. My older brother, Nathan, had joined in some stupid little gang down the street and was being reigned in by my step-dad and the police every other night. The house was alright, I suppose, four bedrooms, two bathrooms, in a quiet neighborhood, but when your big bro is bringing girls over every night to screw and friends over every day to drink and do drugs, ya it wasn't the greatest place to be. So, I spent the majority of my time at school. At least there it was quiet and secure and I didn't need to hear those girls moaning in the next room. I did what you're supposed to do at school, learn and become a responsible young adult. I joined the auto-club in our high school and even got to be the school's driver in the racing league! But, unfortunately, all good things come to an end. My brother got hooked up with the local mob and before I knew it, there were police asking me questions about every dirty little secret in my life. People at school were stupid and drew conclusions and it basically ruined the half decent reputation I had there. Some people feared me when they found out my big ol' bro was a mobster and avoided me. Others just stopped talking to me. The worst was the teachers treated me like a bloody criminal because these damn blues showed up at the class door to question me every damn day. So I stopped going to school and started learning at my pace, trying to distract myself from the new girlfriend Nathan had every day. Sooner or later, my brother's friends started forcing me to join them in their escapades. I don't know if I was scared cause they were thugs or if I was excited cause I got to hang out with some of Nathan's hot guy-friends. Regardless, there I was committing small crimes like vandalism and illegal street racing to win Nathan some money here and there. Problem is, I kinda liked it. I hooked up with one of Nathan's friends, we partied, we fought, we broke up and that was that. You might be wondering why my step-dad cop didn't do a thing about this. Well, like I said earlier, he was a pushover. He was too afraid to come clean and do the right thing by kicking in Nathan's bedroom door and arresting him on the spot. But nope, he sat there and literally watched Nathan sell some drugs to some bum and then point a gun at him to get out of 'his' house. Hell, if I went up to that guy and said 'Boo' he'd probably piss himself. So let's just take my step out of the equation here. Now, where do my powers come in? That whole night and day, fire and ice thing I can do? Remember when I was talking about that boyfriend I had. Well, I didn't know at the time that he was cheating on me and basically using me. So when I found out, I went a tad bit ballistic. Should've seen the day we broke up, his car wasn't much more than a pile of ash afterward. And that was when I found out that I had powers. Fifteen years old and a fire-throwing, ice-shaping bad ass with a chip on her shoulder. So, with these newly discovered powers, I decided that I should take Nathan's shit into my own hands and try to straighten out my family. My little brother, only three at the time, was already swearing. I mean seriously, the kid's first word was fuck and he was 'imitating' those disgusting groans whenever he and his girl got a little loud. So, I waltzed into the house and punched my brother. I was gonna set his pants on fire after but it turns out, it wasn't just something I could call up on a whim, at least... At the time, it required some practice. So that didn't pan out too well. I got the beating of my life and nobody did a thing. I practiced for a few days in private to figure out how to tap into my new found power; when I did, I brought him into our back yard at night where I froze the guy's feet to the ground and shot apples off of his head with icicles. I purposefully missed one and put it straight into Nathan's shoulder and threatened him to never come back, 'leave us alone' I said. He left. When I woke up a day later, it was to a fire alarm. The entire house has been ablaze and the only reason why I'm alive now is because it was daytime and I was able to manipulate the fire around me. I cleared a path through the flames and went to my little brother's room, the smoke had already gotten him... I then went to my mom's, she wasn't there, maybe outside. So I went outside, and all there was were fire fighters preparing to enter, my step dad talking with more blues and in tears. And there I was, oblivious to what had happened, with a paramedic looking me in the eyes and getting unsettled by the orange glow of them that the sun gave me. When I learned what had happened, I was wrecked. The weight of my little brother's death was heavy enough. But when I heard Nathan and his band of thugs took mum and lit the house on fire, I was beyond repair. I mean, the fucker actually tried killing his family, he even succeeded a little bit. So he holds a special place in my heart that's hotter than hell during the day and colder than space during the night. So I was lost, I sure as hell wasn't going to live with my step, fuck that. I wandered about, driving some crappy car that was falling apart around me as I went from Western Canada to Eastern and back again. Along the way I got these sexy little jewels in my hands by some extreme body-modifier and some sick tattoos to go with it. After drifting around the country for a few months, I was coming up on eighteen, I decided enough was enough. I wanted to do something right and smart for a change. I wanted to enroll in school again. But no money meant no education, so I started racing. My piece of shit car ended up becoming a eighty-thousand dollar power house and I went to college for astronomy to learn more about my unique ability. College was college, y'know... Parties, drinks, sex, spring break, thinking you're smarter than the rest, pretty standard stuff. Except my attitude wasn't really meant for it, I may have made a fireball one too many time on campus grounds. My councilor said that the college wasn't a good place for me, and that I couldn't stay there without being a danger to the other students. As I was leaving the campus, downtrodden yet again, an american in some snazzy suit approached me offered me a proposal. Needless to say, I was intrigued by the idea, and I didn't exactly have a whole lot else to do, so I accepted his offer. Next thing I knew I was flying to America for some school for supers. Now here I am, a week into this school and already dealing with the usual high school drama."[/hider] [hider=Awakening] [color=white][b]"You son of a bitch!"[/b][/color] [color=white][i]"Woah! Woah! Kana! Calm down!"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"Hell no! I'm not calming down! You used me! You cheated on me! And you idolize my damn brother!"[/b][/color] [color=white][i]"Jesus, Kana! I didn't che-"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"Bullshit! I saw the proof! You were all over that bitch!"[/b][/color] An empty beer bottle was flung. There was an audible [i]ting[/i] as the bottle hit the guy. He yelped and recoiled at the hit. [color=white][i]"You're crazy!"[/i][/color] he yelled. [color=white][b]"I'm justified, you bastard!"[/b][/color] Kana gritted her teeth and stepped up to him, getting right in his face. Her boyfriend backed off a bit, leaning back against his car. [color=white][i]"Get away from me! I'm not afraid to hurt you."[/i][/color] Kana raised an eyebrow, [color=white][b]"Oh you aren't, eh? Come on then. Hit me. Right in the face."[/b][/color] the instant he flinched, Kana head butted him in the nose, [color=white][b]"And I'm not afraid to hurt you either!"[/b][/color] Some of his friends ran out of his house, [color=white][i]"The hell is going on here?! Jonathan what'd you do?!"[/i][/color] one asked. The other started laughing, [color=white][i]"Oh my god! Jonny is getting his ass kicked by his girlfriend!"[/i][/color] Jonathan stood and pushed Kana back before presenting a pocket knife. The friends stood back and watched, laughing and cheering Kana on. The girl studied the knife and remained stationary. Her vision started to dim and get foggy. She felt a warmth crawl up her spine, past her shoulders and into her hands. She heard Jonathan say something, [color=white][i]"The hell is with her eyes?"[/i][/color] Without thinking, Kana flung her hand at him, sending a bolt of fire toward him that seemingly came from her skin. He quickly leaped onto the ground to his left, dodging the bolt. It instead hit his car, and the fire spread unnaturally fast. It was like napalm that had coated it, and moments later, the entire car was blazing. Jonathan put his hands to his head, [color=white][i]"No! Not my car! My fucking car! No!"[/i][/color] His friends were a bit more sensible and pulled him away before the gas tank erupted. Kana was still in her haze when it did, the shockwave blew her off of her feet and straight on her back. The blow made her come to, and she saw the car burning and popping with every little combustion. Her eyes were glowing a fiery orange and her hands were hot enough to burn the grass beneath them. She could hear Jonathan yelling about his car and cursing at her. She did that? Kana looked at her hands and clenched them into fists, the heat from inside them ignited into flames around them. She panicked and ran off. She ran until she was far from the scene, sitting in an alley way while she tried to collect herself. [color=white][b]"What the hell happened?!"[/b][/color] she asked herself aloud, breathing heavily. She was flailing her hands in the air to try and cool them down. She saw a bucket of water and dipped her hands in it, noticing her eyes glowing that orange color in the water's reflection. When she realized that the heat in her hands wasn't actually hurting her, she took them out of the bucket and looked at them. [color=white][b]"Fire?"[/b][/color] she asked, her voice a little more calm, [color=white][b]"Did I just create fire?!"[/b][/color] Kana thought about the moment she had realized what happened, when she clenched her fist. She did the same thing and surely enough, the air around her fist rippled with heat and then burst into flames. It didn't burn her. [color=white][b]"I can create fire... Holy shit! I can [i]create[/i] fire!"[/b][/color] her voice was surprised, scared, excited. Kana threw a punch into the air and the fire around her fist bolted forward into a brick wall, where it fizzled away harmlessly. [color=white][b]"Hah!"[/b][/color] she started to laugh, thinking about what she did to Jonathan's car. Kana made more fire with her hands and started to play with it, swirling it around and trying different things all day. [color=white][b]"This is great! Screw Jonathan and his bullshit! This is where it's at!"[/b][/color] When the sun passed the horizon and the moon took over, the heat in her hands dissipated and was replaced with a biting cold. She wasn't uncomfortable and it made her wonder. Clenching her fist didn't create fire, instead, the air turned into vapors and solidified around her fist into a block of ice. She was amazed, the ice was perfect, no cracks or flaws, perfectly reflective. She noticed her eyes had gone from glowing fiery orange to brilliant blue. [color=white][b]"I see."[/b][/color] she said to herself, making a discovery about her new power. [color=white][b]"During the day I can control fire, and the night allows me to control ice. Hm..."[/b][/color] Kana didn't go home for three days and three nights. She had spent her time figuring her new abilities out, how to create fire and ice without clenching her fist. How to control it after she throws it. How to use external sources like fire and heat or water and cold. Kana was always a quick learner, and it didn't take her long to figure out the many different ways to utilize her power. When she finally got home, she heard her brother and mother arguing. [color=white][b]"It's about time I put an end to this."[/b][/color] Kana sighed and stepped inside. It was in the early morning when she had returned and the sun was just on the horizon. Twilight. She didn't say anything when she entered the house, she just approached Nathan and punched him right in the nose. There was no fire. No ice. Just a pissed off Nathan. [color=white][b]"What? How come I didn't make an-"[/b][/color] [i]Thud![/i] Kana took a hit to her gut, once she was on the floor, she took a number of kicks to her side and back followed by a relentless flurry of punches aimed for her face. She had her arms up, but some hits made it through. Nathan was screaming and yelling incoherently, he was obviously in some sort of drug-induced haze. Once he had backed off and went to his room, Kana's mother helped her clean some blood off and bandaged some of the cuts she had gotten. Kana was brought to her room and helped into her bed, her mother thanked her but told her not to get involved again. Kana was worried that her powers may have just been a sort of dream. Whens he woke up, she spent the day to figure out what went wrong, she had her powers back, she was manipulating fire without a problem. Then it dawned on her that she couldn't use her powers in twilight periods, when day and night were swapping out. It had to be entirely one or the other. So she planned. [color=white][b]"Tonight. I get my brother out of the family."[/b][/color] Kana waited until midnight when she was sure her powers would work. Before she did anything, she formed a small shard of ice just to make sure. Confident in her abilities, Kana invited herself into her brother's room where he was laying next to some new girl. She formed a razor sharp icicle in the air and hovered it at his neck, [color=white][b]"Wake up, big bro. Time for some payback."[/b][/color] Nathan opened his eyes and could feel the sting of the cold sharp pressing into his neck. [color=white][i]"What the fu-"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"Shh! Don't want to wake up the rest of the family. Especially your girl here. Get out of bed. Now."[/b][/color] Nathan didn't know what came over Kana, but the blue glow in her eyes told him it wasn't something he could handle. Nathan was led out into the backyard, the glow from the swimming pool's lights illuminated the yard enough to walk freely. Kana kept the shard against his neck as she walked a safe distance behind him, [color=white][b]"Stand at the edge of the pool."[/b][/color] she demanded, Nathan obliged. His willingness made Kana laugh, it was too easy! He acted like some tough guy but he folded instantly when he saw he was outgunned. The water in the pool lifted and surrounded Nathan's feet and solidified, freezing him into place at the edge of the pool. More water came out and enveloped his hands like arms reaching from the pool. Then the entire pool froze along with the arms holding his hands in place. Nathan was breathing heavily, [color=white][i]"What the hell happened?! You aren't Kana! Who are you?"[/i][/color] his voice was panicked. Kana approached him and got right in his face, the blue glow in her eyes adding light to his terrified expression. [color=white][b]"I'm you're worst nightmare, Nathan. And I'm gonna put you in your place."[/b][/color] she raised her hand, Kana was holding onto an apple. She took a bite out of the apple and put it on his head, [color=white][b]"Be still, bro. I don't wanna miss... Well... I kinda do."[/b][/color] Kana formed another shard of ice in her hand, it then floated from her palm and next to her face, pointing where she looked. With a raise of her eyebrow, the shard sped forward, making a whizzing sound as it did. The shard pierced through the apple and took it with it into the fence on the other side of the pool. Nathan shrieked. [color=white][b]"Oooh that was a good shot! You make a good assistant, Nathan. We could be famous, y'know. Travelling the world as a magician and her trusty assistant."[/b][/color] Kana walked up to him and put her arm around his shoulder, Nathan was shaking, either from the biting cold of the ice holding him or the fear, or both. [color=white][i]"You're fucked in the head, Kana!"[/i][/color] Nathan stated. Kana shrugged, [color=white][b]"And you're the one to blame for that, Nathan. Funny though, Jonathan said that too before I blew up his car. I'm quite sure you don't want me to blow you up now, huh? Oh! Also..."[/b][/color] Kana pointed toward a camera mounted in ice, the ice was floating, [color=white][b]"Smile."[/b][/color] Kana made a toothy grin, Nathan didn't smile. The ice encapsulating the camera pressed down on the snap button and the flash blinded them momentarily. She took the camera from the air and got rid of the ice, [color=white][b]"That's a nice picture. I think I'll make that my phone's background."[/b][/color] Nathan growled, seemingly finding his balls, [color=white][i]"When I get out of here, Kana, I'm gonna fucking kill you!"[/i][/color] [color=white][b]"Another threat. Well then... Seems you didn't learn your lesson just yet."[/b][/color] Another shard formed and she sent it straight through his shoulder. She then used his saliva to freeze his lips shut so he didn't scream and wake everybody up. [color=white][b]"In most superhero movies, Nathan, I think I'd be dubbed 'the bad guy'. But really, I'm dolling out some vigilante justice right now and it feels great! No wonder why batman did what he did."[/b][/color] she formed a solid block of ice and sent it into his gut, winding him, [color=white][b]"This is way more effective than smacking you on the wrist and saying 'don't do that again'."[/b][/color] She sent another block right at his injured shoulder. [color=white][b]"But I'm not gonna kill you. You're still family. And then I'd -really- be the bad guy. So here's what I want you to do, Nathan. Leave us alone. Never come back. If you do, I'll turn you into the worlds most realistic ice sculpture with the water in your body. Understood?"[/b][/color] The threat was a bluff, Kana wasn't sure if she was able to do that. But in theory, it was possible. Nathan nodded rapidly, lips still frozen together. Kana smiled, [color=white][b]"Good. Cheerio, bro!"[/b][/color] The ice enveloping his hands and feet broke from the ground and pool, lifting him into the air. Kana gave him a wink and sent the ice blocks into the neighbor's lawn with him still attached to them. Kana waited in the backyard for an hour until deciding that he was indeed gone. She woke up the girl in Nathan's room and told her drunken ass to get out of the house, then she went to sleep. It was the easiest sleep in her entire life. Until the fire alarm...[/hider][/color][/center]