[Spruce] Thankfully, I got out of the way before M used some sort of combination attack with Kamina, which doused everyone, and then shocked the living heck out of them. At first, only about half of them so much as responded, and a second afterwards, the crowd shrunk, with only five of each pokemon apparently actually existing... as well as one Zorua, who looked scared out of her mind. None of the zubats were still conscious, making the original group of thirty shrink down to a more manageable eleven. The zorua, still scared about officially being out in the open screamed, and said "NooOOO! They figured out our ruse! What should we do, Sean?" The sneasel, all five of them, argued for a moment before finally saying "Zoe, you're too inexperienced for this, you'll die horribly. Go home, we'll contact you when we need your help again," The zorua, apparently named Zoe, then ran away, tears streaming from her eyes. [i]Wow, she's a little oversensitive, isn't she? All that happened was her illusion was broken, and all of the zubat on their team have fainted.[/i] I think as I watch her run. I decide to let her leave simply due to the fact that we really don't need to fight any more of these guys than we have to at this point. "Hey... how the heck are you guys still conscious?" I ask them. They simply shrugged, apparently not having any answers, themselves, but I did notice something... they're weak, or, rather, they're about to topple over from the pain. With this knowledge, I run up to one of the sneasel, and vine whip him, and yes, this was enough to get him to faint. I then wondered if this would even be enough to knock out the koffing on their team. I then notice Anthony use bubble on one of the sneasel, and speak in that weird, garbled confusion speech. I managed to hold in my laughter, as he was probably in a lot of pain just from M's attack. [hr] [Anthony] I still couldn't make heads or tails of anything, however, apparently I didn't run far enough away from the enemy to not get hurt, as the next couple of things I felt were a refreshing rain... and then a sharp, electrical jolt of pure pain. This electrical attack was apparently enough to destroy more than half of our enemies, as by the time I could even remotely find my bearings again, there were significantly fewer conscious pokemon, and some of them were just flat-out gone somehow. Yet another pokemon decided to run away, and I tried giving chase to that pokemon, only for me to run in a giant circle instead. I turn to face... something, and then use bubble on it, saying "Dark blurb forget here am is me am!?" not even I had an idea of what that was supposed to mean, but my target fell to the ground after that. Thinking I was victorious, I turn around again, and, without any idea of where I'm facing, I shout "Winner dark lightning thing turnip basket!" of course, this only got laughs from whomever I was facing at the time, making me mad at them. I then dug around in my bag, and, feeling a berry of some sort, I tossed it into my mouth. Whatever I got just seemed to make that injury from M's attack go away... maybe it was an oran berry? Either way, that allowed me to take a sludge attack from exactly the pokemon I was facing at the moment, and unfortunately, I still couldn't tell whether that was an angry teammate, or one of the enemies... given that Josh could probably learn sludge at some point, right? [hr] [Bonnie] Everything seemed to be going according to plan, or, at the very least, we weren't getting attacked by anything, and that gallade was still chasing around William who is still in the form of a joltick. I manage to rescue the final pokemon here, however, I notice that gallade aiming a psycho-cut right at Eralion. He didn't say a word, apparently just to make sure that nobody gets in the way, but I saw him, and I used my speed to tackle Eralion out of the way of the attack just in time... to take the attack, myself. Oddly, it didn't even hurt a bit, which was really weird, considering the source. "...huh? Hey, why didn't that hurt?" I ask Eralion and whoever else was listening. By all logic, I should be on the ground, barely alive, possibly gasping for breath, and begging Eralion and the rest of my team to go on without me, and yet, I was unharmed by the attack, somehow. This caused the gallade to take a step back... and then start running right at me, as if he was trying to use close combat on me. Thankfully, I still had a few quick seeds left, and, after taking one (as the last one ran out the moment I took the psycho-cut), I started to make a beeline right for the entrance, I suppose, acting as yet another distraction for the gallade, at least for the moment. I rushed past the dead pokemon, and right upstairs, where my father apparently found his way to a pitfall, and couldn't really move at the moment... unfortunately, Eralion's traps made this place a little difficult to traverse, and that gallade was approaching fast. I was sandwiched between my father, and the gallade... this couldn't end well. [hr] [Nina] As soon as Rebecca finished off the last of our rival team, Chip confiscated their papers, and I said one last thing before leaving, knowing that at least one of the two could hear me, even if just barely. "I tried to tell you not to fight us... I tried to tell you that I wasn't affiliated with Desia... I tried to tell you that I didn't even know who Desia was, and you just couldn't listen, could you?" a groan from the nidoran meant that he probably heard it, and, soon enough, Chip had us all teleport back to the guild, with all of the papers in hand. A drifblim accepted the papers, and shuffled them into what was probably the correct order. The drifblim had a few strange-looking badges covering him, as if he was in some sort of military or something. Of course, one of those hasn't existed in a long time... and that was during a time in which castles, dukes, lords, and kings existed. "Very, very good young ones, now, here's that reward that... hey, what was supposed to be the reward again?" I shrugged, not even remembering if the mission offered a reward, but he simply laughed, and handed us one hundred and fifty pokedollars each. He then said "There you go, buy some nice food or something with that... and with that, I'm off!" the drifblim then floated away... and kind of reminded me that, for some reason, Levita wasn't with us, and she didn't participate in that giant fight from earlier. "Hey, Rebecca, have you seen Levita around here, anywhere?" I ask Rebecca, wondering if she had any idea where our balloon friend could have gone.