Hey kiddlings! I'm back for a jump into RolePlayerGuild after a respite to do some writing training. I'd love to do a Defiance-based RP with 2-3 other people. I'm not familiar with the game, but I am in love with the show. Ideally I wouldn't like a lot of crossover with the main characters from the show, so we can have the most freedom we want with our characters. I won't be a stickler for the rules of the world, but I want people who have good grammar and are interested in intrigue, juicy romances, and free to go with the flow. People CAN get killed--if your character is killed, you are free to come up with a new one. Equal parts fandom and freedom! The setting: Calexico, coastal trading port where you can find anything, for the right price; where you can go when you're being chased out of every civilized city; where you can find the Thorn-by-the-Sea, a need-want overlooking the Pacific with its strange, rarely-seen manager. Here all manner of business transpires. On any given night, a new stranger might walk through the door looking for love, scrip, or business--through the door and into the arms of the skilled employees inside. If you're interested in playing, please draw up a brief character sketch (name, race, brief backstory, reason for coming to Calexico). I'll select players based on writing skill and how well I think your character will fit with others. :) Looking forward to it!