Mabel _________________ With an sign Mabel took Eric's hint, since it was certainly not subtle. "Just put your plates by the door when you're done." She said annoyed as she left and locked the door behind her Ashburn ______________ Ash cried on Eric'c shoulders for what felt like ages, but was probably only about ten minutes. Eric was right of course, crying wasn't going to accomplish anything. And most certainly Eric didn't deserve to be dragged into his problems. With a sigh he looked at Eric. "I'm sorry man. It just doesn't seem fair, ya know?" He said trying to sound calm, despite a quiver in his voice "I guess in some way it is nice to know the truth though. In a morbid way I guess I just needed to know why she died. But gramps better have a damn good reason for not being there for us." He said with a forced chuckle Wiping his tears on his arm he leaned against the wall behind his cot, reclining against its cool support. "So a Terror class huh? Well on the bright side you'll look pretty bad ass when you're done with this mess. Apparently I'll either be a Twilight reject or some angel" Ash said with his warm laugh. In truth he was glad to be apparently a humanoid class demon, at least he might still be able to see some part of his current self left after this was done. Ash made a silent promise to himself in his head. He would not complain for the whole phase. Whatever he was going through his friend would have it much worse, and for longer. Eric deserved his support and Ash felt bad to have complained when it was obvious someone else had it so much worse. "Maybe you'll get some luck with the ladies" He said playfully "I hear chicks like a man thats tall, dark and handsome." Ash gave his trademark warm laugh as he imagined a bunch of girls swooning over a ten foot tall Eric. Though the thought made him hurt a little inside, he ignored it. This was time for Eric to be cheered up. With a deep gulp he swallowed his emotions, about his family and anything else.