Captain Kurosawa watched the match go on, examining the performance as the fight progressed. It was [i]something[/i]. Al was able, against all odds, to maintain the favor of the crowd. Well this certainly showed off the prowess of the Bayou Baron in being skilled as a Heel. He was even able to help [i]Al[/i] come out looking like the face. Misaki grinned, amused at the results garnered from the crowd. [color=a187be]"Woo!"[/color] Misaki flailed around her pom poms. She glanced around the crowd as she yelled out,[color=a187be]"Keep up the good work! Use the break to practice some dialogue, keep practicing your delivery of strikes!"[/color] Misaki paused for a moment as she swore something wafted into the Boxing Club. Some delicious smell managed to enter the room. Perhaps someone was messing with the ovens in the Home Ec room? Misaki moved the thought back in her mind. Right now, she had to worry about booking the matches and getting everything prepared so that it would be a fantastic show. [color=a187be]"Any interested volunteers just say the word, cause we got plenty of stuff to do setting up!"[/color]