[Center][u][h2]Aunt Rika's Sweets[/h2][/u] Miyuki Ushiba sat at her favorite seat in [url= http://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?u=http%3a%2f%2fth03.deviantart.net%2ffs70%2fPRE%2ff%2f2012%2f112%2fe%2f1%2fnaruto_oc_tsubaki_by_styorka_chan-d4x7142.png&ehk=ORSkw7Rxb1bx6QWUiDZejg&w=370&h=601&c=7&p=0&pid=1.7]Aunt Rika's[/url] shop enjoying a piece of freshly Cooled Chocolate, Rika isn't actually an aunt but it's just what others call her. "Are you sure you should be eating all that before lunch" Rika said as she stirred a pot of melted sugar, "I'm fine" Miyuki said in her usual quiet tone before she bit off another piece and stood up from the booth. Grabbing her fuuma and stringing it along her back, she walked to the counter and payed for the sweets as well as some extras for everyone else before she started walking down the street towards her house. Halfway home Miyuki hopped up on top of the buildings and began running on the rooftops; treating it like an obstacle course she slid under a tv antenna just before vaulting over a ledge and down a sloped roof. [H3][Center][u]Ushiba household[/u][/center][/h3] She jumped off the roof and aimed for her open window preferring not to go through the front door just in case anyone saw the bag of sweets she was planning on surprising the family with, and it didn't help that she could hear that her brother was back. "Great another person to get past, I'll do it later." the girl whispered to herself as she slid her window closed, but not before stashing the candy in her closet along with her Fuuma. After she had secured the room Miyuki slid open a drawer under her bed and lulled out a pouch of throwing needles, which she strapped to the outside of her thigh just in case it was needed. The girl walked out into the hallway and to her brother's room after closing the drawer and counting how many needles she had left. Knocking on the door she waited quietly until it was opened and she would immediately hug Seika. [/center]