[center][img]http://www.naacpldf.org/files/imagecache/case_page/case-photos/Prison%20based%20gerrymandering.jpg[/img][/center] [i]Oz. Name on the street for Oswald State Correctional Facility, a level 4 maximum security state prison. Famous for housing some of the most hardened and dangerous criminals, Oz has achieved great prestige. It has been build in 1998. It's named derives from prison chief Russell Oswald, who served at Attica Correctional Facility during the infamous Attica prison riot. The Oswald State Correctional Facility is located at right at the coast, with at one side the sea and at the other side the countryside. Recently, the staff of Oz have set up a new experimental unit; Emerald City. Emerald City, often shortened to Em City, is an extremely controlled unit within the prison. Em City offers various rehabilitation programs. The inmates have way more freedom here than in other cell blocks. Prisoner uniforms aren't obligated, cells are made out of glass and everyone is allowed to walk up to other inmates and interact with each other freely. The cells in Emerald City are placed around the open common room, whtake cch can be entered by anyone within Emerald City. The cells are outfitted with a bunk bed, a toilet and a sink. The main idea behind Emerald City is that the prisoners themselves can control how much freedom they get. The inmates take care of themselves here.[/i] Welcome to Oz! I have created this roleplay, because I've never seen a realistic prison roleplay and I wanted to try it out. [b][u]Characters[/u][/b] Since I want this to be a realistic prison, I'd rather not have over the top characters. I encourage to create gang members and/or your own gang. [u][b]Gangs[/b][/u] Gangs will play an important role in our prison. They run the drug, tobacco and alcohol trade in the prison. Gangs can make plays inside the prison to show their dominance over a certain part of the prison, for example a yard or a common room. These groups extort other prisoners in exchange for money or other goods. [b][u]Jobs[/u][/b] There are several jobs around the prison to which the prisoners will be assigned to. Examples: the mail room, the kitchen, the workshop, the laundry etc. These jobs can be important, as they can be used to smuggle contraband inside the prison. Inmates can buy goods from the prison shop with the money they earn from the jobs. The inmates also use money to pay each other for contraband and certain deeds. [u][b]Staff[/b][/u] If you don't want to play as an inmate, you can also play as someone from the staff. You can play as a guard, as the psychologist, as the priest, as the warden and anything else you can think of. [b][u]Character Development[/u][/b] A thing I personally want to pay attention to is character development. If your character was a complete wuss before going into prison, try to make him more tougher and dangerous as the role play evolves. This is, of course, an example of how you could do it. [b][u]Goal[/u][/b] Now what is the goal of this role play? The ultimate goal for everyone, inmates and guards, is survival. The inmates do their best to not die until they are released. The guards may suffer from financial problems and they might decide to go corrupt. The goal could also differ from person to person. One inmate might want to rise to the top of the food chain, while others are planning their great escape from the facility. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Rules] 1. Follow the usual forum rules. 2. Racism is allowed, just keep it IC. 3. Try to be as realistic as possible. Don't make them overpowered. 4. Characters can't be under 16 years old. 5. If you are a gang leader, feel free to NPC other members of your gang. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet for Prisoners] [i]Name:[/i] [i]Gender:[/i] [i]Age:[/i] [i]Place of Birth:[/i] [i]Nationality:[/i] [i]Gang Affiliations:[/i] [i]Appearance:[/i] [i]Conviction:[/i] [i]Sentence:[/i] [i]Parole:[/i] [i]History:[/i] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet for Staff] [i]First Name:[/i] [i]Last Name:[/i] [i]Gender:[/i] [i]Date of Birth:[/i] [i]Place of Birth:[/i] [i]Nationality:[/i] [i]Appearance:[/i] [i]Job:[/i] [i]History:[/i] [/hider] I will try to NPC other inmates, guards and staff. Multiple characters are allowed. This is my first roleplay as GM, so I'm open for criticism and tips.